Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Longer Days

One thing this winter-loving-girl appreciates about
this time of year is the light during the evening hours!
The long days are wonderful, aren't they?
The sun sets here in Ohio about 9:00 PM EST
this week.  It's also light about 6:00 AM.
It does make it easier to get out of bed!
But those birds!  They start singing about 4:30
in the morning!  Or so I've been told...I sleep
right through all of that!


  1. I love the long days . . . I love them even better if they are bathed in sunshine. Didn't love today much though, it was raining cats and dogs. . . . :)

  2. Bob came home from a meeting at about 9:30 and told me I had to check out the roses. I thought it would be dark, but it was surprisingly light out. I love it too!

    1. I know..it's amazing! I just noticed it last night for the first time how light it was that late!
      We'll want to see your roses, you know!

  3. Really like the evening light too, but that's when the bugs are worst!

    1. I'm a mosquito magnet, so I totally sympathize!

  4. Yes, lighter nights, but nothing compared to those in England, where it really never gets dark in summertime.
    When I took my granddaughter when she was little she insisted on playing on the playground even though it was eleven o'clock at night, she thought it was more like seven o'clock :)

    1. The light certainly does have that effect....we feel more awake in the evening and bedtime kind of creeps up on you!

      I can't believe the daylight over there...just reading the comments here...I had no idea it was like that!

  5. I so love the longer days, too. Makes recovery a bit easier. We had a dull day today but the weekend was beautifully sunny. Still cooler than it "should" be... but I love it!

    1. Yes, I love it, too! I would be fine with it staying cooler! haha.

  6. Hi Betsy - makes all the difference ... if it's not raining cats or dogs or just buckets! It is that today - stormy over night ... ah well the sun will out tomorrow I expect! We're light at 4.30 am and dark after 10pm now ... lovely! Cheers Hilary

    1. That is hardly enough darkness to sleep by! Goodness!

  7. Popped over from Mari's blog to see yours. Yes the longer, lighter days are wonderful I agree. Here in the UK it's getting dark at about 9.15pm. I could do without the wind and rain though!

    1. Well, hello Cool! Glad you stopped by! :) Hopefully you'll get some sunshine today!

  8. The sun rose here about 5am and sadly I was awake to see it. Luckily went back to sleep. Sun should set around 9 but it's been so dark this past couple of days.... Rainy and windy and dark. Our poor rose was ripped off the trellis yesterday.

    1. The rose? Oh no! That must have been some wind!

    2. I think we can salvage most of the rose. Not sure about the poor trellis though. But not going to try until the wind and rain stop. And it won't be me climbing that ladder.

    3. Who gets that job, The Chef or the gardener? :)

  9. Hi Betsy, I agree that lights makes it so much easier to wake up in the morning. Our sunrise starts at 5.30am and the sunset is at 9.50 pm in a motnhs the sun will set almost at 11pm. Which makes it more difficult to fall asleep so one does not get more sleep during this season however the natural day light makes it feel ok. And yes the birdies!! Oh my, they always wake me up at around 4.30 it's a full concertino :-) and they stop as suddenly as they have started ... haha. Happy days with yummy peaches ;-)

    1. The Mister can't sleep once the birds start! He can hear them through the closed window! haha. They are early risers for sure!

      The peaches! haha. We are really enjoying them. I think I bought PLENTY!

  10. Fine by me
    Here at our sea
    No stumbling around in the dark
    Especially good so I can see when they leave a hairball mark

    1. Nothing worse
      could make you curse
      than to step on a hairball
      in a dark hall. hahaha.
      Doesn't happen often here
      as they go outside without fear
      No clean up if it's in the yard
      so that certainly isn't hard.

  11. This summer loving person loves the longer light. 9:02 pm.....yippee!

  12. Light evenings do lift my spirits, though the warmest evenings don't tend to coincide with the lightest evenings here.

  13. The short days in the winter get to me. Sometimes I've taken a nap in the afternoon, and I wake up around five o'clock and it's dark. Then I have to find out if it's a.m. or p.m.!

  14. Same here Betsy...if the sun would come out!!! Not much rain...but plenty of dark clouds...
    Enjoy your week...
    Linda :o)

    1. Good weather here so far...actually worked in the yard today!

  15. I love summer. Plenty of time to do things and sleep in just a bit!

    1. Saturday is the only day we can sleep in here...the boys day program goes year round.
      But still, it's nice to see light when it's time to wake up!


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