Wednesday, May 3, 2017

On Folding Socks

The guys have always taken everything off wrong side out.
Everything.  That means every shirt, sock, pair of shorts,
pants and underwear goes into the laundry wrong side out.
So folding laundry for me has always had a little extra
step in there to put everything right again.  Now I don't do
this for The Mister and I didn't do it for Taylor.  They are
capable of doing that for themselves! But the guys 
just don't notice.  I mean, seriously.  I have to make sure
they don't put their clothes on backwards much less
wrong side out!  Underwear has been known to be on
backwards and inside out.  I mean really....wouldn't a guy
notice that right off?  Seems like it would a little...uncomfortable!

But back to folding laundry.  It's a little tedious to turn each
sock right side out before folding a pair together!  So today
when by some sort of miracle the last two socks in a
pile of a couple dozen were already right side out, 
I did a double-take!  What?
I think I heard the Hallelujah Chorus!

Ah, really is the little things that make me happy.


  1. Never give up hope. We have to appreciate the little things. They are what drive us through most days. Yippee for socks turned right side out.

  2. Living alone I have to make sure to do all those things, and after washing and ironing my socks I fold them neatly before they go into the sock drawer. The same with the underwear I iron them, fold them army style and put them neatly into the knicker drawer. I don't have a mother, wife or a slave to do these things for me; not like some people! Ha!

    1. I'm going to ask Dinky if you really iron your socks.

  3. So funny ~ yes, I guess it would be a trifle uncomfortable . . :)
    I manage to get the socks paired and foled like you do, right way round. . . . :)

  4. And when those little things sneak up on us like that, don't we just get so tickled? Thank you for sharing your blessings, Betsy. It is what makes you who you are...special. :)

    1. Yes, they are tiny delights! haha. That one was almost as good as seeing the bottom of the laundry hamper! haha!

  5. lol maybe those few socks will turn into more
    And then the flipperoo won't again be a chore
    underwear are just uncomfortable anyway
    Who needs those at their bay? haha

    1. Maybe you could invent ones that flip themselves
      just as if there were little elves.
      Could be your pot of gold
      before you end up being old.

    2. haha that pot of gold doesn't like me
      I'll be older than dirt before it comes to be

  6. I smiled through this post. I totally get it. We live for those little moments of joy:)

    1. You just have to keep your sense of humor, right? :)

  7. A couple of my grandsons say socks are more comfortable wrong side out, because of the seams. To each his own I guess. You have a lot of socks to turn...How nice to find a surprise at the end of the pack. HaHa.

    1. I have never heard that, but I guess it does make sense! It's kind of like tagless t-shirts!

  8. Lol! Sorry to laugh at your laundry woes, but the underwear incident is just too danged funny. 🎶🎶

    1. Isn't it? If I had a nickle for every time I've told them, especially Harry, to turn them around! haha....

  9. We can relate, Betsy. For years, my son regularly wore his clothes backward or inside out. It would drive my wife crazy. Then he would obsess over his hair sticking up. We would tell him that no one is going to notice a little hair sticking up if he's wearing his shirt inside out. Sigh. These days he seems a tad more aware. Maybe these two socks will be the start of something for your boys.

    1. Well, I love your positive, hopeful attitude, but I have a feeling those two socks were a complete accident. haha. I'm laughing Kai and the hair. Oh the little things they can obsess about! :) My guys are totally oblivious as to their looks. They never look in the mirror or care about anything like that!

  10. I'm glad I only have to worry about my own clothes when I do laundry. If something does end up inside out, it happens rarely enough so that it doesn't bother me.

  11. Thank goodness for the little things, eh Betsy?
    No rain tomorrow....yippee! Off to the cottage...
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

    1. We're getting more rain! And it's chilly! Brrr.

  12. I hate when things are inside out - so I think you are a saint to deal with it in large quantity's!

    1. Yeah, it's a lot of tediousness. haha. Nothing of mine is ever wrong side out...but I think that's because I do the laundry so I am mindful of how I take everything off. There is one bright side. Alex loves to put dirty clothes in the he does that faithfully. In fact, he whisks clothes off the floor and has them in the laundry before they loose their body temp. lol....

  13. Good title Betsy -just a tad difficult seeing where the title came from ... but it made me smile - and I hope you will remember the smiles it's brought us ... those little things ... cheers Hilary

    1. It must be an American thing. It's a way of announcing a subject to talk about. :)

  14. I agree with you about the little things. My Son in Law came over and helped me take down a light shade and clean it. It was in the kitchen and it was greasy and had moths inside and it had been bugging me but my Mister has neck issues and could not get it down. I did a happy dance as soon as the clean shade was back in place.

    1. Oh, I'm sure you're loving your shiny clean light! Yay!

  15. LOVE the little things that bring us joy! ;) blessings ~ tanna

    1. I didn't have to fold any socks today, so it was ALL good! hahaha,....

  16. I understand! My husband is legally blind. He functions just fine in the world but for him, little details like the clothes are interesting. He has been known to wear his polo style shirts inside out. Driving, reading, and getting dressed. Those are challenges for him. :)

    1. Oh dear! I guess you don't put him in charge of laundry, then! :)


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