Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a really nice trip to Pennsylvania to visit Taylor
and Lauren!  We took the boys on a train ride,
the two men went golfing and the girls went wine tasting!
Lauren's parents, who live in a nearby city came over one
evening so we could go out to dinner with our big kids, which
was extremely nice and much appreciated!
And there was lots of racing for our race car loving family
with Formula 1, Indy 500, and Nascar all in one day.

The train ride was in Millertown, a beautiful little town that was
decked out in lovely banners that paid tribute to their hometown
military heroes, hanging baskets of flowers and American flags.

The best part of driving home was the sky!
We started out with fog in the mountains and then it broke
into sun, blue sky and tons of big puffy clouds. 
The Pennsylvania Turnpike is a beautiful route to take and
the boys loved the tunnels cutting through the mountains. 
It made a 7 hour drive very tolerable!

The kitties held down the fort while we were gone!
I didn't have anyone check on them...we just put out
plenty of food and water.  They can come and go as they
please with their cat flap, of course.
They sure were excited to see us when we got home!
Most were out lounging on the back porch and when I stepped
out there it was hilarious to see them all come running!
They chatted, wrapped around my legs and rolled over my feet.
The Mister stepped out and said, "Oh my gosh, you really do look
like a crazy cat lady!" haha.  All 13 were here, healthy and fine.
Oh, and Sterling appeared a little later....let himself in and stayed
long enough for some food, fresh flea control and a little attention.

So, I hope you had a good weekend.
Did you do anything special?



  1. What a wonderful time you had. I'm so glad that the family could be together and then you had some down time too.
    Our day was so lazy...we didn't go any place. That felt good after 2 vacations in May.
    We are looking forward to our younger son flying here on Thursday for a week stay. Thank goodness for FB and phones...but having the living , breathing person to hug and gab with is the best by far.

    1. I totally agree....nothing replaces seeing your kid in person!
      Lazy holidays are wonderful, aren't they? My favorite by far!

  2. This is such a wonderful post. It looks like all members had something special that they were able to do. Your photos share a really fun adventure. You reminded me of our train ride last fall. I am sure the three young men had a great time.

    1. Yes, I agree! T & L were great at thinking of something we all enjoyed! The boys did just fine and made it an enjoyable experience. They've come a long way.

  3. What a fabulous trip. I keep scrolling up and down taking in all the pictures. Beautiful.

    1. It had been years since we took a road trip...well, 4 years actually for the kids' wedding. I do love riding along looking out the window. Pennsylvania is a beautiful state!

  4. Hi Betsy -so brilliant to see the photos and to know that all went well and you had a happy time - thank goodness for the train trip ... then the evening out together with the big kids ... wonderful - so happy for you ... and that 13 were waiting for your return ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary! Yes, the train trip was wonderful for the guys. They thoroughly enjoyed it!

  5. Love the photo diary. Sounds like a good time was had by all. I can only imagine what kind of undertaking it is for a road trip with the lads.

    How nice that Lauren's folks volunteered so that you and the big kids could have some quality time.

    I was worried that the kitties might create mayhem while you were gone. So glad they behaved themselves.

    Welcome home! xo

    1. We did have to pack and plan quite a bit to make it all work but it all worked out. Had to laugh....I lost a pound. Who looses weight on vacation? haha.

      Yes, so very nice of Lauren's parents. They brought dessert and stayed and chatted a while after we got back from dinner.

      Those kitties were well behaved! Such good little things. haha. I'm sure it helps that they can go outside and burn off energy.

  6. Beautiful skies and I love your eagle, do you know what kind he is? It's our anniversary today.14 years together.

    1. That is a Red Tailed Hawk. It was soaring above us as we were getting gas. Love seeing them glide back and forth. He was a beauty!

      Happy anniversary! How wonderful! ♥

  7. A PERFECT photojournal of your trip, Betsy!! So glad y'all had such a good time! And, I had NO DOUBT your kitty-folk were going to be happy for your return! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

    1. Thanks, Tanna. Really fun and good to be home again, too. Laundry is finally all caught up. haha.

  8. Your trip sounds fun! Love those pictures Nd the boys actually look quite comfortable ... I was wondering about the cats ... so it was nice to hear how they were good and happy to see you :-) they probably thought that you went to wonder somewhere like they themselves do :-))
    I could almost hear them saying 'yay Betsy is back' :-)))

    1. haha...yes, I think they were saying that! Nice to have a big welcome home committee. lol.

      Loved your beach pictures on IG. Beautiful!

  9. Trip sure sounds grand
    As you took in much of the land
    And you could click away
    While the Mr. drove to and from your bay
    Getting that welcome back
    From the whole pack
    Is always nice indeed
    Making one appreciate their home feed

    1. They held down the fort
      and gave a welcome back retort
      Glad the house was in one piece still
      and each other they did not kill.
      Good cats they are
      and sweet by far.

  10. Glad your weekend went well. Looks like an interesting trip.

    1. Thanks, Furry! It was really fun and the drive was scenic, too.

  11. Loved traveling along with you all Betsy. It looks like a fun trip! We just traveled home from our vacation home in Georgia. Then we had a burger from Burger King since it was Memorial Day and it is a law that you eat a hot dog or hamburger to celebrate.

    1. haha...we had a burger at McDonalds! Had to go somewhere they served fries for the guys. :)

  12. Glad you all had such a good time. Great that the boys got to ride on a train.

    1. That worked out great, didn't it? And the best part? There are tracks very near their home and the boys could see trains go by several times a day just by looking out the window. They were in heaven!

  13. This sounds totally AWESOME!! I'm so glad you got to have some "happy time" making memories with the family. Nothing like it!

    1. I good for us. We rarely get away and it was good for us! :)

  14. So glad you had a nice time with Taylor & Lauren, and that the boys enjoyed their train ride. Was hoping to see a picture of their house!? Yes, the drive back to Ohio is a pretty drive, we've made that trip many, many times!

    1. No picture of their house! It's beautiful, though...a newly constructed town house....gray with black shutters, 2 car garage, huge beautiful windows. So nice~

    2. We think that drive is beautiful! So different than going from Ohio to Illinois, which we had done a ton of times. That is so flat and boring. haha.

  15. I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful weekend, Betsy. :) Making family memories is one of the best things we experience this side of heaven. My most favorite of the pics is Alex on the train...what a beautiful smile. :) SO very happy for you and your husband to have time out for dinner with Lauren and Taylor. Have a wonderful day! I'm glad you are home! :)

    1. We're glad to be home, too...wonderful trip and wonderful to be back home, too. Nice to get back into the routine today. I let the boys stay home yesterday so today is the first normal day. Gorgeous perfect weather here today...made it extra nice!

  16. What wonderful pictures! So glad you got to enjoy a great time with your kids...and see so much beautiful scenery! You crazy cat lady you. =) Those kitties know they are much loved! Glad you shared.

    1. Hi Marsha! Hey, I have tried many times to comment on your blog! Where are all the comments? I don't get it! Help!

  17. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Many times I have looked for your blog and only found you on Google+ . Today I found your blog. I love it. What a nice family you have...four sons!...and all those kitty cats!! And my husband thinks we've done a lot by rescuing three! He really does like them all though. Your pictures are beautiful. That next to the last one takes my breath away.

    1. Hi there! I'm so glad Deb featured you today so I could visit you! The cats! haha. I have a gray cat named Smokey, too! About 5 years ago I befriended two pregnant female feral cats looking for food and they had their litters, three in all, and kept their kitties here. I think 20 in the spayed, neutered, shots, etc. Some disappeared but most have stayed and we've taken in a few more besides. It's been a wonderful experience overall and was good for our neighborhood, which was being overrun with ferals. I'm working on a new one now! haha. My husband is totally on board with it and some of the cats prefer him the most (the girls!) lol....

  18. Now that's what I like to see,
    And I'm sure that folks will all agree.
    Betsy and family having one swell time,
    Inspiring me to write this rhyme.
    Plenty to see and lots to do.
    For boys the train, and booze for you . . . lol
    Glad with big kids you had such fun
    And it all went well from the gun.
    For me it gives me such great pleasure
    To see you enjoying these days of leisure.
    I'm glad you returned safely home
    And the cats lined up to greet and roam. . . . :)

  19. So glad you had a good time - and that you could go out for a quiet meal with Taylor & Lauren without having to worry about the boys. You deserve that every once in a while.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! Yes, we all need to have some down time! Very hard to convince the mister to do it, though, so this was special! haha.

  20. I'm glad that you had such a nice trip! I'm sure the boys really enjoyed the train ride. Love the montage of photos!

    1. Thanks, Yuji! Yes, the train ride was the highlight for them, I'm sure! Glad there was one nearby!

  21. This is a great collection of photos that tell a story, even before I got a chance to read your words. Looks like a great, family weekend.

    1. It certainly was! It was fun putting all the pictures, together, too. :)

  22. What a lovely trip.
    The scenery is gorgeous, and looks like a good time was had by all, especially the boys, I don't remember seeing them smile so much :)
    You were missed.

    1. There were lots of smiles, that is true. They had come a very long way since we made that trip for the wedding 4 years ago. Much smoother!

  23. Wow! Looks like a super fun trip and I bet the boys were thrilled with the train. Glad you got to enjoy some time with Lauren and Taylor, too. How awesome that her parents offered to sit with the boys. How sweet that your kitty babies missed you so much.

    1. I know...those kitties made me feel loved! ha.

  24. I'm so glad you got to do this! I almost cheered out loud when I saw the train ride. I bet your three train lovers were in their glory!
    Beautiful pictures! Taylor really looks like the Mister in that photo.

    1. The guys were so excited for that train ride! And there were trains going by T & L's house that they could see from their bedroom window. I kind of wish we had that here for them!

  25. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Looks like things went pretty well. Hopefully you will be able to do it again. It is fun to visit the kiddos. I love all the pictures. We are re-habbing a little cabin in a nearby mountain community. Lots of work over the weekend for us. Dh tells me we are not to old to be doing this. I am not always sure about that!

    1. Rehabbing a cabin...oh how cool is that?! How fun! Can't wait to hear more about that!

    2. more work than cool at this point!

  26. Lovely pictures Betsy !
    nice ride in train for the boys.
    I know they love trains :)

    1. Yes, they do!'s their whole lives, you know!

  27. I am all about that martini shown with your steak. Grapefruit perhaps?

  28. I am all about that martini shown with your steak. Grapefruit perhaps?


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