Thursday, May 18, 2017

Black Jelly Beans

I finished off my Easter stash of jelly beans while working
in my studio this afternoon.  Black licorice isn't really my 
favorite so the last few ended up being that flavor.
I always think of my late father-in-law when I see them...they
were his favorite. :)  Anyway, I ate five black jelly beans
and later scared myself when I looked in the mirror. teeth looked like Halloween instead of Easter!


  1. Our kids would always save their black jelly beans for their dad. Then one year they just bought him a bag of all black ones. hahaha I am so happy to read about happy Alex and his smiles. ❤ You really are tempting me with those berry bowls and cup/saucer and creamer. If I didn't already have ample (or more than ample) I would be placing an order. πŸ˜‰ Have a good evening, Friend.

    1. I don't mind the licorice if it's by itself. I can't eat it mixed with all those fruity flavored jelly beans. The red hot cinnamon ones are the same...ok alone, not ok mixed with others. haha.

      No Churchill Blue Willow in those, but they are pretty. The creamer looks new and the bowls are lovely in their antique-ness. Love!

  2. It took you a long time to eat those treats. I would have finished them long ago..esp the black ones. πŸ˜†

    1. It did, didn't it? was a huge container and I was the only one eating them! haha.

  3. πŸ˜‚ Lol! πŸ˜‚ πŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

  4. lol ~ where's the photo? . . . haha

    1. I didn't think to take one! haha...just reached for my toothbrush!

    2. Maybe next Halloween . . . . haha . . :)

  5. I'm not a fan of the black jelly beans either, but licorice is one of my favorite sweets, the Engliah or Australian kind, with a little kick :)

    1. The more expensive black jelly beans are ok. Once you eat those, you're spoiled forever. haha.
      I had never heard of Australian licorice until a couple of years ago. I'm wondering now if it was you that mentioned it. Very delicious..just a completely different candy, I think!

  6. I wish I'd seen that! I could use a good laugh.

    1. Aw..sorry. You know how to reach me if you need a listening ear. :)

  7. What? No photo? I am laughing just picturing it!
    Not a big fan of licorice, although I used to love the bridge candies that were multi-coloured types of licorice. They looked like jewels to me.

    1. haha...I know...actually, my reaction was probably more funny than the teeth themselves!

  8. That was kind of you to bite the bullet and eat the last of the black jelly beans. HaHa with teeth!!!Maybe you should have waited till the Mister got home before brushing...teehee.

    1. Something tells me I wouldn't have gotten a kiss. haha.

  9. Hi Betsy - that I can believe ... well that's finished them for the next 11 months! I enjoy liquorice occasionally ... but I'd have eaten them first to get them out of the way ... and leave the lovely red ones til the end! Glad you got your kiss of welcome ... cheers Hilary

  10. I'm not a fan of licorice. Though I do love fennel... which seems similar. We needed a pic of those teeth. hee hee. blessings ~ tanna

    1. You know, I've never had fennel! I've heard it's a licorice flavor. I really sure get some and check it out.

    2. You would love it... roasted with red bell peppers... red onion... olive oil... garlic... and whatever other spice suits your imagination... AMAZING.

    3. yum...that's exactly how we like to eat our veggies, too!

  11. I don't like the black jelly beans either.

    Great to learn that Alex has been so happy lately! Any guesses as to why the change?

    1. Well, I've been trying to figure that out. The only thing I can think of is that an aide that he loves has recently been rotated back into his room at the day care. He was moody and irritated when she rotated out about a year ago and wasn't himself for several months. She just came back last month. She's in her 40's, a pretty, skinny blonde and just so sweet. I think he has a little crush. haha.

    2. Ah, that might be it! So sweet! :)

  12. haha getting your witch on
    Before Halloween can even dawn

    1. All set this year....
      just need some more jelly beans to cause fear!

  13. Ohh, I love the black jelly beans, and I always think of Dad enjoying them also! So nice to hear that Alex is happy at this time.
    Have a great trip next weekend!


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