Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Everybody has quirks, right? But kids with autism really have quirks! Most of them are harmless and ...well, amusing actually. Some are irritating if you have to live under the same roof with them! LOL. Saturday morning I slept in. The boys did not. In fact, while I was sleeping, Spencer set up shop in the kitchen! This is the scene I woke up to later that morning.

He had his stacks of beloved trains pictures on the kitchen island (he finds them on the Internet and prints them off on his printer, then tapes them all together), along with books opened to his favorite train pictures and even his CD player, playing a...you guessed it...a song about trains! Good thing I wasn't planning on rolling out pie crust or baking cookies, because there wouldn't have been room enough for both of us to work there. :) Frankly, this type of quirky behavior doesn't bother me, unless the volume for his music is turned up too high. :)


No, the irritated quirks of late have been the need...or compulsion... to turn off all the room fans, close all the doors in the house, turn off all of the lights, and turn off the washer and dryer mid-cycle! For a while I thought there was something wrong with the washer! I'd go to transfer a load to the dryer and find that the spin cycle hadn't finished! I'm guessing the sound is what is bothering him. I can threaten him within an inch of his life and he still can't resist the urge to sneak back there and push the power button. LOL.

One quirk that I actually enjoy is the need to blow the steam when it's coming out of the tea kettle. He knows steam, that's for sure, from all of those steam engines! And he can say 'steam', too. ...although it sounds more like "stee". All three boys have their quirks. No, they are not the same. We get a triple dose as far as the quirks go!
You know, I'm wondering if he isn't doing the quirks as some kind of payback for taking away his cheese? LOL.


  1. I can see that some of this quirks could get a little old. Good thing their mom is so patient! :)
    Such a cute post!

  2. Lovely post dear and he is so cute! Love ya!gloria

  3. Mari ~ well, they really get old in the summer when they are home 24/7. The school days make it much more tolerable! :)

  4. Yeah, stuff like that would or could irritate me, but I'm very territorial. You haven't lived alone for 27 years! Plus you've had the boys for 17 years, too! And we can't forget Taylor for the last twenty.

    Plus 47 kittens...

    It's a good thing for all five men -- and 47 kittens -- that you have so much love and tolerance in you.

    (Good thing for the rest of us Earthlings, too!)

  5. Silver ~ yeah, I tolerate some of you, too, don't I? lol... ducks...

  6. No need to duck, doll. That's exactly what (whom?) I meant.

  7. You are a very patient mom. Those quirks wouldn't bother me, except the washing machine thing!

  8. I can see some similarity between Spencer, and a certain 2 year old in my house. He has a quirk about light switches too--except he likes to turn them on--even when they aren't needed, and I go around turning them off. Maybe Spencer could come and help me. LOL

  9. Rebecca ~ that would be my Alex! I may have to post about his quirks next. :)

  10. LOL well, at least you don't have to think up things for bored boys to do! ;D

  11. Little quirks... but lots of precious moments! The washer thing would have me wondering too.

  12. thats so funny,, our niece who is Austic lines all her barbies up with all the barbie books she has all along the hall from the living room to her bedroom, she has 25, and we move one she goes right back and replaces her with great care, she puts a barbie then a book , a barbie then a book, in the same order everytime, there are 62 objects in all and she never varies the line up,, its really quite amazing, tricky getting to the bathroom though,

  13. Laurie ~ oh yeah, that sounds very familiar! haha. We've had long lines like that running down our hallways. They contained everything from books to dvd's to random objects. One time there was even a package of taco seasoning in the line! lol...

  14. Harmless and funny, I love the one where he's blowing the steam from the kettle !
    Our schools are on their Fall break, are yours ?

  15. I so enjoy hearing stories about your triplets ....

  16. Jo ~ fall break is in the middle of October, so we have a couple of weeks to go!

  17. Love hearing about your life...you have so much patience and understanding and a quirky sense of humor, too!


  18. By turning off the fans, lights, and appliances, Spenser is saving you money on your electric bill :-)

  19. Way to make lemonade there, Kathy! :)

  20. smiles...cute one with the steam...ha...yeah i know a few of these...chuckles on the washer...

  21. When I first saw the kitchen picture, I thought Spencer had lined up all your kitchen towels.
    I can't believe those stacks are papers! Wow, that is a lot of paper and tape.
    Do you know anyone in the paper business who can help with the cost?

  22. Christine ~ lol...no, I don't! Some of those sheets are years old. I bet there are 10,000+ pages there. I also bet he has the order memorized, too.

  23. Wow there are train pictures galore
    But I guess it's more neat and easier than stretching them down the hall once again for a tour
    Maybe you should pad lock your washer/dryer door
    If there is one at your shore..haha
    Least you never have to worry about the front door being left open for all to see
    And as said save on electricity
    As far as quirks go I can relate
    Have a few on my plate..haha
    The payback theory might be right
    The poor cheese is no longer in sight

  24. @Pat: "As far as quirks go I can relate // Have a few on my plate." Knowing your eating habits, that is a masterful turn of a phrase, sir!

  25. I never thought of a Tea Kettle as a "Steam Engine"....but hey...that sounds reasonable to me!!

    Love when you share those moments in your life that most of us would never in a million years have a clue!!!

    I guess you know that all of us that follow your blog...just love you and your family...

    Love and Hugs

  26. Yeah, Pat is the king of quirks
    and he loves it too...just look at that smirk! :)
    although, the sum total at our house would have him beat.
    As it's in overdrive here at my seat.

  27. hahaha thanks I meant to do that too
    Knew it would be caught by Betsy and you

  28. Oh yes you have me beat hands down
    Heck you have most of the town
    Even with my vile smile
    You got me beat by a mile..haha

  29. Pat ~ Well, I knew your brain was vile
    but your smile?
    No, it's just a smirk
    with a quirk.

  30. @Pat: See? Betsy's such a lady she didn't rhyme it with "jerk." I mean, I'm not suggesting she should have... I just... errr... Never mind. Ha!

  31. Oh, that was funny.;) I love your attitude towards your boys and they quirks.;) You are such a great mom Betsy.;)

  32. Oh dear, I suppose some quirks are much easier to live with than others. Turning the fans off must really get to you some days. Spencer is still so cute though!

  33. Yay for steam engines! I love steam engines!!! I went to York, UK and was dragged unwillingly to the biggest Railway museum on this planet (ok I exaggerate!LOL) thinking who on earth would like to look at trains all day but I loved it and got to ride on one too - it was GREAT!

    Ahem. So I'm all for your beautiful boy loving trains! LOL! Take care

  34. Haha such an adorable post Betsy.I love the last photo of him blowing the steam.I just picture in his mind thinking of big steam engines ha.I must say he seems to have stacked his precious photos nicely Betsy,see how things we do in teaching our kids pays off;)lol.Have a nice day!

  35. You are an amazing mom, Betsy. I think you could be right about, at least the dishwasher, and the cheese having some corelation. LOL! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  36. i like the steam picture! wow, you must go through a lot of paper! YOu are a wonderful mom!

  37. Heather ~ yes! But it's the ink that's so expensive! ha.

  38. Loved this post. The scene with all the train pics caused ME to do an "Oh no!" Bless you & your patience!

  39. CHEESE is SOOOOOOO good!!!

    As YOU KNOW...my eldest has a list of quirks too...most of the time we are used to it...but then...sometimes it drives us CRAZY!

    I am laughing at Silver and the 47 kittens!

  40. That is some collection of trains.lol
    and set on the table so meticulously.
    You must give him credit for that.
    My kids and husband have their quirks too.
    Come to think of it, so do it lol


  41. LOL I'll bet it IS payback :) I know that I would be very sad to lose MY cheese. Heh.

  42. This post brought the biggest smile to my face (and a chuckle)! I can relate with the quirks! Funny (mostly), odd, annoying, and all :)

  43. Pity you can't arrange it so that one of the boys has a switching lights off quirk and one has a switching lights on. But then I don't suppose you could hope they'd co-ordinate! I salute your patience, dear friend.

  44. jenny ~ actually Alex turns lights on...all of them! But they haven't coordinated those habits yet. ha.

  45. Oh Betsy - your post brought smiles and a giggle again. You are such a great mom to 'go with the flow' of all these ups and downs of life. These boys are so blessed to have YOU as a mom - God sure knew what He was doing when He planned that one. =)

  46. Oh wow. God gave you the heart to do this and they are so blessed to have you be their mom. At any time they do what they can do and trains I think are his greatest joy. I like the steam picture. Thanks for sharing it all even with the weariness that has to be there at times.

  47. Love the posts about the boys. They are sooo cute. Makes me chuckle as I too have lived thru those wonderful moments. You are certainly a special Mom.

  48. You are right...it was the removal of cheese from his diet!! Too funny!!

  49. I just love these posts...at least the papers are piled. I like the organization. (0:

  50. I love your stories....They are definitely a joy.....


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