Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Keep Calm and Have A Cupcake ~ A Creative Tuesday Entry

please click to enlarge
Cupcake is the theme over at Creative Tuesdays! My drawing combines several of my favorite things...my favorite motto, a bird, and something sweet. Mrs. Bird is drawn with black ink and colored pencils on 8.5 x 11 printer paper. Lettering was done through Picnik.
And I figured I might as well bake cupcakes, too! :) Chocolate lattice work and German Chocolate flavored marshmallow petals make this plain vanilla cupcake something a little more special. And it looks very autumnal, doesn't it?
Cupcake entries are due Tuesday, October 11th.
Click HERE to see other entries or join in the fun!


  1. I am so impressed! It's a beautiful cupcake. Nice job!

  2. wow wow wow, you are so talented,, the art is wonderful and those cupcakes well, wow!

  3. Hi Betsy .. I could not think of competing with those .. they look delicious .. and the 'caption' .. too good for me .. I'll slink quietly away ... too talented - just wonderful .. cheers Hilary

  4. Hilary ~ don't be silly..sit down here and eat a cupcake with me! :)

  5. Oh ok .. I'll increase my waistline with you .. no worries about that - they do look delicious though. I have some of Perla's cake to eat - probably tomorrow .. today came and went! Ok - a cup of tea .. and a cupcake or two .. cup of tea is the thing .. cheers enjoy the rest of your day - Columbus Day? .. Hilary

  6. Oh good...I'll put the kettle on! :) Yes, it's Columbus Day!

  7. Hi Betsy .. I have my own private tube over (under) .. I use when I visit another blogger in Austin - she has BB her Blogger Managiments Bunny .. and I have Hardwick - Mum's constant bed companion .. so I'll see you for a cuppa in a few minutes .. it's too dark to pick up something special .. just me! Hxox

  8. Hilary ~ sounds good. :) You are so cute!

  9. hahaha keep calm with a cupcake?
    You think if I partake
    I would keep calm at all?
    I might go bouncing down the hall..haha
    Great picture as usual though
    Your talent sure does show
    Even with your autumn looking treats
    But I'll have to take a pass with my little rhyming you know on the sweats..haha

  10. Hi Betsy .. on my way now - couldn't leave the washing up .. hate coming back to a messy house .. see ya!! H

  11. Pat ~ sweats again?
    lol...you crack me up.
    Yes, I think you do this on purpose so I, as your editor, feel needed.
    Why have sweat when you could have sweet?
    It tastes better, not to mention it's neater.

  12. Hilary ~ no problem...tea is brewing! :) lol...


  14. Chocolate flavoured marshmallow petals.

    Four of the bestest words on this planet. Seriously. Wow. Take care

  15. what?!? that is a cupcake...omg...crazy talent there sis...and thesign isreally well done too...

  16. Brian ~ thanks dear brother....I know, I know...you would have preferred key lime flavored. :)

  17. Simply beautiful! Love the sketch as well as the autumn goodies... look to be rather tasty!

  18. Wow, I am impressed looks to good to eat.

  19. I don't know if I'm more impressed by the drawing or the cupcakes. Either way, you're phenomenally talented. I'm glad someone's life is not too short to make chocolate lattice - even if mine is!

  20. jenny ~ everyone needs to eat chocolate lattice at least once! :) Licking the bowl was fun, too! ha.

  21. Those cupcakes are making me drool. Not good for my computer keyboard! How do you make those marshmallow petals? I agree you are talented!!

  22. Cute picture.Those cupcakes wow,they are really different looking.Yum!

  23. Oh my goodness glory...their so beautiful I couldn't eat them!!!

    I'm impressed and this is one chick who doesn't impress easily! :o)

    God bless and enjoy this beautiful day!!! :o)

  24. GREAT JOB!!!!!! come check out my new layout/colors! http://mightyideas.blogspot.com/

  25. WOW! Your drawing and baking techniques are amazing!!

  26. lol, I forgot to read whats for dinner so I had to check.lol@cobwebs around front door.

  27. oh my goodness that is an amazing cupcake! WOWWWWWW,
    i love the sign too - that would be a great poster!

  28. Wow, those cupcakes are impressive! Love the Keep Calm take too. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

  29. Loved the sketch, and you really went all-out on the cupcakes!

  30. Thanks, Silver. I made a sugar free one just for you! :)

  31. Oh Betsy, the drawing is to die for, and I lived closer, I would certainly chance a gb attack and eat several of those beautiful lushious cupcakes...I feel calmer just looking at this wonderful entry!!!

  32. Thanks, Wanda! And I'm sure cyber cupcakes are not only calorie-less but never harmful in any way! lol...Sit down with Hilary and me..we're having tea!

  33. haha see said I'd pass on the sweats and made you feel in need
    And passed on sweats not sweets so you might think I'd take heed
    And maybe eat
    haha now that would be a feat

  34. Seriously, Betsy, did you really make that cake? Gorgeous... as is the sketch. Love them both!

  35. Christian ~ yes, seriously...and please sit while I pour you a cup of tea and share one with you! :)

  36. Great drawing, you have a lot of talent.

    Truly an artistic cupcake. I must need to calm down a lot because I really enjoy eating cupcakes. I think I need to find a healthier way to calm down, carrots anyone!!

    God bless.

  37. OMG!! Love the drawing, but those cupcakes take the prize!! Oh, my!! They are beautiful, Betsy!! And, I am sure they are equally delicious! blessings ~ tanna

  38. Oh my goodness. The artwork ,the baking! We served cupcakes at the rehearsal dinner this weekend, not quite as beautiful as these...I'm still staring at the photos!

  39. oh my gorgeous cupcakes- recipe please? and your artwork is great!

  40. It looks like a flower basket but scrumptious!
    and the picture is wonderful too.
    Good job!

  41. Betsy......I love love love this!!
    You are one cleaverly talented lady. Perhaps you might put this in an Etsy shop :)
    Hugz, Dee Dee

  42. Gosh, I love those cupcakes! I love your illustration too.

  43. As creative as always Betsy. The original would probably have said "Keep calm and have a bun"

  44. I really, really like this Creative Tuesday picture. I'll bet you could turn all these little drawings into greetings cards or prints for sale. I'm sure they'd sell well. Your cupcakes look good too!

  45. Alan ~ you are so right! I've Americanized it, haven't I? :)

  46. lovely art but those cupcakes steal the show! wow!

  47. Haha I laughed as soon as I saw this, I loved it , the cupcakes look tasty too!

  48. I see you are a talented baker as well as a talented artist. Both your contributions this time are amazing! I'd love to sink my teeth into one of those marvelous looking cupcakes.

  49. DeeDee ~ It's so great to see you! Please sit down and join the others...we're still munching away on tea and cakes! :)

  50. what nice Betsy!!Betsy I think Im addicted to your blog and is OK, xxxgloria

  51. aniway I made cupcakes too! he,he, gloria

  52. Aw, thanks Gloria. That was sweet. OK...I'll come over and see what you baked! :)

  53. Dear Betsy thanks I link my cupcakes, my only porblem is I cannot comment, (google problems) I will ty tomorrow, thanks a lot, huggs gloria

  54. oh this is so amazing!!!! what a wonderful art piece and I think that cupcake won me over huge!!!!

  55. Another wonderful take, Betsy. Love it. And I see we like the same kind of cupcakes too! how funny.

    Your real cupcakes are amazing too. In fact the most different cupcakes I have ever seen really. Wow.

  56. The picture is lovely but the cupcake is awesome :))) Did you make the chocolate basket weave yourself?

  57. paintdrops..thanks! Yes, I did it all myself. Once I got the hang of the lattice work, it wasn't too bad! ha. First time for me to try that.


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
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