Thursday, October 6, 2011


I took these photos this morning on my way to an auction.
Yep, it was foggy. Really foggy. The further north I drove, the
worse it got! See the car in front of me in that last photo?
After an hour of that, I arrived. Whew!
The sun finally won out and it was a gorgeous day!


  1. Pretty photos! I like fog--it's sort of mysterious--I don't like to drive in it tho. Glad you got there safely!!!

  2. You're is mysterious and beautiful! But by the time it looked like that last photo, where I was going was too much of a mystery to me! lol! Being on unfamiliar country roads and looking for street signs didn't help either. lol...

  3. so cool...esp that sun shot...fog is awesome and mysterious

  4. I love the pictures! Fog can be so pretty, but it's no fun to drive in.

  5. You are a funny lady...taking pictures in the fog as you can hardly see!!! ;D

  6. Oh you know what I will say to that
    hahaha smog is where it's at
    Rhymes with fog too
    I drove in that a time or two
    At night as well
    It was not swell
    Could not see a friggin thing
    And didn't want anything to go boom, bang, cling..haha
    At least you didn't end up in deliverance ville
    That wouldn't have even been a thrill
    Not even going to go to the movie The Fog
    That was crappier than staring at a log

  7. Julie ~ well, I was going so slow the speedometer wasn't even moving. lol.

  8. Pat ~

    yes, it was quite a slog!
    Worse than watching a frog
    take a jog wearing clogs.
    or riding a hog in a bog.
    Could have been smog
    couldn't see a wheel or the cog
    much less a stray dog.

  9. Riding a hog in a bog
    That would make for an interesting blog..hahaha

  10. Pat ~ might even beat a heart shaped bite?
    And cause the neighbors fright.

  11. I think the rest of the week is supposed to be like this, foggy mornings and gorgeous days. I'm hoping to catch a few photos too, but this morning I couldn't see more than 50ft in front of anything.

  12. Thank God it cleared.So dangerous otherwise.

  13. I always love the mystery of a little fog here on the farm. But, I don't like to drive in it!

  14. I love foggy mornings. In the deep south we don't get many of them, but when we lived in Ohio we had them quite often.

    It's amazingly easy to take pictures while you're driving, isn't it?!

  15. WOW Betsy - I looked at those pictures thinking what a daredevil you are to take photos when you can hardly see, but it makes sense to know you were barely moving. UGH! =) I REALLY do NOT like driving in fog. Thankful to know you got to where you were going. Nothing like trying to find an unfamiliar place when you can't see huh? ARGH!

  16. I don't mind fog but it can be scary driving in it!

  17. Christian ~ yes, it is easy! I just point the camera and click without taking my eyes off the road. Many times they don't turn out...and then some surprisingly do! :)

  18. October is fog-time in the Pacific Northwest. Creepy but fun.
    Ever played hide and seek in fog?
    Now that's creepy fun.

  19. Christine ~ I haven't played hide and seek in ages...fog or not! Sounds kind of fun!

  20. We have had many foggy starts this week. Great for photos, not so great for driving. be safe!

  21. Yes, that is Foggy~ We know fog. The 27 years we lived in Northern Ca we had fog all winter long...Some days as bad as your last picture. We called it Tooly fog as it layed so close to the ground. Hard to drive in when it's like a "whiteout".

    Glad you made it to your auction safe and sound, and ended up having a glorious day.

    We had rain today....

  22. Wow. Well done you for getting to the auction safe and sound!!! That's some fog!!

    Glad the sun came out eventually! Take care

  23. I love fog! It always feels kind of magical to me. Not fun to drive in though! blessings ~ tanna

  24. It is pretty and COZY when you can STAY HOME!

  25. Always good when the fog feels like a breath of fresh air...add the sun and it's perfection!

  26. what special is teh fog dear betsy but I think is difficult drive in it!hope you have a nice day! (without fog..) gloria

  27. I guess it was foggy again this morning! Thankfully I wasn't out in it today!

  28. Oh, that is one foggy drive. I dislike driving in fog, particularly when it is dark.;) And that awaits me soon.

  29. Glory to goodness girl, that's thicker than pea soup!!! This Ozark Farm Chick gets disoriented drivin' in the fog. It's not a pretty sight....'just sayin'...

    God bless ya from the dizzy hills and holler of the Missouri Ponderosa!!! :o)

  30. Beautiful photographs!

  31. Oh wow, that last image! That's some serious fog!

  32. The mystery and beauty of a foggy day now and then is nice, but driving in it is treacherous--glad you had a safe trip. I'm sure there were numerous "fender benders" that morning. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)


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