Saturday, September 17, 2011

You Just Have to Laugh

Earlier this week The Mister told me that we were attending a Gladys Knight concert on Sunday evening. It's part of a fund raising event where he works. I thought, "Great! How fun!"
Fast forward to today. I was out and about running errands and thought I'd call and see if maybe he could meet me for lunch. The conversation went like this...
  • Me ~ Hey, are you really busy? I thought maybe you could meet me for lunch. I still have to go to the grocery, but I'll be done with my errands about 12:30.
  • The Mister ~ That would work. I have to be over that way anyway to pick up my tux.
  • Me ~ ... to pick up what?
  • The Mister ~ my tux...for that concert Sunday night.
  • Me ~ Really?
  • The Mister ~ Yeah. It's "black tie".
  • Me ~ When were you going to tell me that?
  • The Mister ~ I don't know. Why? I didn't think you needed to know until you were getting ready to go.
  • Me ~ You're kidding, right? I was going to wear dressy jeans and a sweater!
  • The Mister ~ Well, you better rethink that.
  • Me ~ Ya think? How long have you known me? laughing...
  • The Mister ~ (ignores the question) We're attending a dinner before the concert, too.
  • Me ~ Well, that's good to know, too!

Perhaps a little black dress in velvet would be more appropriate?

Maybe I'll pair that with my favorite antique amethyst earrings.



  1. Whatever you wear, you'll be the best-looking woman there!

  2. I would have gone into a tailspin :)
    A black velvet dress will look awesome, simple yet elegant, you'll be the fairest at the ball :)
    Have fun !

  3. Just like a man! I bet you managed to to look great and enjoyed yourself Angela

  4. Oh, it's not until Sunday. This conversation happened this afternoon! :)

  5. Oh my haha,typical guy right? I'll leave him off the hook and just say that LOL ;)Have a great time!

  6. Gladys Knight!!??! Oh you lucky lucky lucky person you!!! Oh wow!!!

    Oh yes, she's definitely worth velvet gowns and sparkly earrings!!

    These ones here are gorgeous!! Enjoy! Take care

  7. Becky ~ he's just lucky I have a few things in my closet that work for that sort of thing. And I have a fresh pedicure, etc, etc. haha.

  8. Old Kitty ~ I've never seen her live...yes, it will be really fun!!! And of course, I'll have my camera! :)

  9. Can't wait for the pictures!!!! Have fun.

  10. OH Brother! hahaha..Good thing you have that little black dress!

  11. It's a good thing you have a little black dress. I would be fresh out of luck.

    I'm sure you will look fantastic! Have lots of fun.

  12. It IS a good thing you had a little black are from mars - I tell women that all the time. What do they care about details huh? : / Tooo funny - soooo glad you got to find out a few days ahead. You're gonna have a whoppin' good time at that concert. Hurrah for you!!

  13. hahaha nice of him to tell you
    Going in jeans would have mad you turn blue
    Or red
    As you stuck out like a sore thumb as your were fed..haha

    Oh and yes:
    I said you lied
    I heard it through the grapevine
    Just walk in my shoes
    Never too late
    For The Nitty Gritty
    Waiting on You

    And that's all I know
    So I will go..haha

  14. Hey Pat ~ pretty good! But surely you've been on a midnight train to georgia! :)

    I actually hope she doesn't sing the grapevine song...that gets stuck in my head so bad. I'll be singing it for days and making myself crazy. lol.

  15. Silver ~ if I didn't know you better, I'd think you were a flirt!

  16. Christine ~ :) lunch was fine. haha.

  17. Men! lol
    Can't live with em can't live without em lol

  18. I have three different "little black dresses", but I think I'd still want to shop for something new. I think the Mister owes you some time off tonight to shop!

  19. I am LAUGHING! BUT really...tell The Mister that Jill thinks he needs to do an EENSY BIT BETTER on the info next time! Your velvet/earring combo will be elegant for sure!!!

    Hope it is a fun event and NOT too stuffy!

  20. Jill ~ it just falls on deaf ears, I'm telling you! lol. And I don't think Gladys could be stuffy if she tried!

  21. KathyG ~ I have three little black dresses myself! :)

  22. so typical,, you'll be lovely what ever you wear, ,,, men ,, sheesh!

  23. Me, a flirt? Nahhhh, just making a logical assumption.

  24. {Smile} Black velvet and those earring... perfection! Have fun!

  25. i would never do, maybe....smiles.

  26. Brian ~ well, no harm done. And I handled it well, don't you think? But I did tease, I will admit. :)

  27. Yes you did (handle it well...) I think I would of blew a gasket. Have fun... :)

  28. Venus and Mars, Venus and Mars, that just keeps running through my head. Aren't these guys of ours adorable? You will look beautiful in that little black dress and those pretty earrings. Have a great time!

  29. That would have done me handled it well. I hope you share a picture from the big event!

  30. Oh dear, this almost reminds me of our Christmas Tea...looking for just the perfect outfit. I think you would look darling in anything you choose.

    That Mister of yours is cracking me up!!!!

  31. How cool you are! And isn't that exactly why the LBD is the staple of a woman's wardrobe? I'm sure you'll look terrific and have a great time.

  32. LOL!!! I know you two will have the most fun there! LOL!

  33. Ha!! Thank God for little black dresses!! Whew! And I love the earrings!
    You are going to have so much fun!!

  34. jenny ~ exactly. They are perfect every time!

  35. Have a great time Betsy, you deserve a treat! I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures, so don't forget your camera.

  36. Thanks, Keith! I'll post worries! :)

  37. Men eh? But a lovely pic and man and boy.

  38. Laughing for sure.
    Gotta love those husbands.
    Just saying . . .


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