Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I Did Wednesday #8

  1. Shooed Tiger away from my coffee. He and Whiskers seem to have a caffeine craving! Not really willing to share my cup with them. ha.
  2. Clipped coupons.
  3. Cleaned and sorted my shelf of canning jars.
  4. Did some online shoe shopping for the boys. So thrilled to find $125 Reboks on sale for $35. Even the hi-tops Spencer needs for some ankle support.
  5. Enjoyed a paper bag of tomatoes a friend gave us. Look at those purple cherry tomatoes!
  6. Cleaned and sorted through the medicine/vitamin cupboard. Threw out two things that had expired. 2008? Oh dear. ha. And how do shelves get so dusty with the doors closed? ha ha.
  7. Enjoyed this herb roasted turkey, colby-jack, garden tomato and mixed greens sandwich on whole wheat. Extra mayo, of course. :)
  8. Bleached the porcelain kitchen sink.
  9. Cleaned the coffee maker.
  10. Received the September shipment of a Fruit of the Month from Harry & David we received as a Christmas gift. Nectarines, this time!
  11. Took down the kitchen canisters, washed them and dusted the shelves.
  12. Picked veggies from the garden. My lettuces are done and have gone to seed!
  13. Watched the kittens wrestle.
  14. Cleaned the ceiling fan above my desk. It had grown a layer of felt. ha.
  15. Vacuumed all the books in the bookshelves.
  16. Transferred the birdseed and sand grit for the parakeets to these two vintage canisters I picked up for free from an auction.
  17. Made dinner early so I just had to stick it into the oven. Layered pasta, ground beef, homemade sauce and cheese in a pan. Yum. Made double so I would have dinner finished for tomorrow when I work an auction all day. Oh, I feel SO organized. lol.
  18. Sat with Mustache on the porch swing.

A beautifully ordinary day!

Hope you are having a wonderful day, too!


  1. Those nectarines look scrumptious! And so does dinner!

  2. My house would think it had died and gone to heaven if you moved in! And yes, how do cupboards with doors get so dusty inside?

  3. jenny ~ I thought that last week when I cleaned out my china cabinet. :)

  4. Porch swinging and pasta all sound delightful...what time is dinner? :)

  5. Heather ~ it's at 6pm EST. :) Come have a seat!

  6. It looks like you have had another full day. Maybe the cats need their own cup of coffee. I thought those were grapes not cherry tomatoes and the nectarines look yummy. Too much cleaning for me, can you come to my house.

    God bless.

    PS....I have actually posted a new blog today. How shocking is that?

  7. It sounds like you had a pleasant day.LOL@ ceiling fan grew a layer of felt.ha.Dinner looks good.Try some feta cheese next time,it will add a bit of a greek touch ;)

  8. It all sounds good to me Betsy! You have been doing a lot of cleaning lately! I am looking around and seeing DUST! OY!

    Fruit of the month huh? ALWAYS have thought that would be the BEST gift!!

    Saw Mustache sitting out in the side yard...he is SO stinking cute!

  9. Jill ~ I've loved this Harry & David gift! I'll be sad when it's over! ha.

  10. I love those kind of ordinary days.

  11. All these little things add up to a full day. You make me feel tired!!

    Love Harry & David!


  12. Sounds like someone did her Spring Cleaning a tad early...

  13. Well, I know you, which is why I assumed "early."

  14. Well, let's just call it autumn cleaning. :)

  15. yum so when is dinner...if my cat got my coffeeit may be the has this fascination with getting stuck on the roof...i had to rescue it twice today...

  16. Bri ~ oh that is so funny. Our kittens want to get on the roof, they just haven't figured out how to do it yet. :)

  17. 2008
    Only 3 years or so late
    Yes and that stupid dust gets everywhere
    No matter how much you try and block it, it's just no fair
    I just gave up on it
    So my ocd wouldn't have a fit..haha
    Nice buy on the shoes too
    Orlin tries to drink from my cup, but the clutsy cat knocks it over giving me the cleaning blues
    Yeah I'll skip the food
    As not to ruin my stomaches mood..haha

  18. Pat ~ Whiskers knocked over my coffee mug and broke it earlier this week. ha. Fortunately it was empty...and outside!

  19. A layer of felt... Now that's a new way to look at it. :)

    Bet you could almost imagine those purple cherry tomatoes were red grapes. (I never know how odd colored fruits and vegetables are supposed to taste. Makes me afraid to try them.)

  20. haha you created a couple of caffiene dependent cats
    I suppose it keeps them from bringing home rats

  21. Martha ~ yes, light grey felt! lol...

  22. I'm impressed by your excellent shopping skills. Did you get extras pairs for down the road when the boys need shoes again?

  23. Pat ~

    No, I don't let them drink it!
    They would be on a high and have a fit!
    They are plenty energized without
    I have no doubt!
    But I am surprised they want to have it
    They each actually wanted more after a taste!

  24. KathyG ~ no extra pairs! We'll just look for another good deal when the need arises...hopefully not for another year!

  25. Sounds very productive to me!! How you can make an ordinary day sound interesting, I don't know, but you do!!! I think all of us can identify with many of your cleaning dilemmas ( dust inside the cupboard is unexplainable). Have a nice Thursday. Mickie :)

  26. Whew! Time for a nap after all that!

    Keep thinking those good thoughts!

  27. I love this! It is the small things every day that make me smile. Always thankful for ordinary days. Now I am hungry! :-)

  28. Love your Wednesdays... Wow what a bargain on the Rebocs!

    Your kittens are getting so big, and full of fun.

    I did some serious dusting too..Where does it all come from for goodness sakes!!!

  29. I'm signing up for some of number 17! ;)

  30. I don't know, Wanda! And next week we could do it all again! ha. Although I hadn't done that ceiling fan in a while. It's always running so I don't see the dust it's collecting!

  31. Wow, and I thought MY day was busy! lol

  32. Betsy : you vacuum the books! You already have my address, jump on a plane, I will pay the airfare.

  33. Sounds like you had a busy day. I wish we got coupons like you do in the US. We don't get many at all. I watched Extreme Couponing last night, those people are amazing and what a fortune they can save.

  34. Hi Betsy .. sounds like one busy day - then done for a few months/year?? Love the collage of pics .. great tour along the way .. and I've seen canning jars, that we would call bottling jars .. such is life!!

    Cheers for now .. Hilary

  35. Drooling over number 16. I collect those canisters!! I'm actually running out of places to put them tho so I guess I should STOP right?

  36. you are an inspiration to the rest of us...if I could only get done half of what you do during the day I'd be happy!

  37. It's a poser to me, too, as to how the dust always manages to sneak in past those closed doors. My china cabinet LOOKS to be closed up nice and tight, but doggone if I don't have to keep cleaning the shelves and dishes every couple of months.

  38. What a busy bee? Do you ever sit down? LOL

  39. lol, Alan! You crack me up! can I refuse an offer like that? I've always wanted to visit Great Britian! I'd vacuum your books for a chance to do that!

  40. Brian ~, that would be a herd of elephants, right? :)

  41. And then I ask myself...why I have so many books on the shelf!! The collect dust at an extraordinary rate! Sigh!
    I love your photo montages!!


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
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