Friday, September 30, 2011

Birthday Bird

I got a nice surprise in the mail from my aunt last week. It was a birthday card and letter. She also included a birthday card that I had made for her 41 years ago! It was her first birthday since her mom (my grandma), had died and she had kept it all of these years. She thought it was time I had it back as a present for my 50th birthday. How very sweet! I love that it was a drawing of a bird! I guess I loved them way back then, too! Who knew, years later, I'd start incorporating them into my drawings for my blog!
Thanks, Aunt Doe.


  1. look at how artistic you were even as a great is that! And so sweet of her to keep it all this Betsy.

  2. It is sweet, isn't it? I loved getting it.

  3. Wow that is really neat
    And yes all nice and sweat
    Have to wash my tongue now..haha
    But before I take a bow
    I guess instead of bats in the belfry of you mind
    From young to (not so) old you've had birds in your belfry that one will find..haha

  4. That is awesome...I can't believe how good you could draw at 8 years old. So great she saved it and sent it back. Happy birthday!

  5. Now that is the sweetest thing ever. We all know now you love of drawing birds has been in your heart for years.

  6. Pat ~ well, as your editor, may I point out
    that you said sweat instead of sweet on that shout
    So yes, you should wash your tongue
    if on it perspiration has clung. was too funny. hahahaha. Sorry..but I owe you a few.

  7. Wanda ~ I know~ and I'm glad to have this reminder. Of course, I'd forgotten all about it. :)

  8. How special! I love finding those kinds of treasures hidden away. It reminds me that I have some things I need to package up and send my nephew.

  9. Oh, soooo sweet! My favorite part is seeing your name signed in little girl handwriting. The drawing is beautiful!

  10. What a lovely thought by your Aunt Doe! You were an excellent drawer at age 9 and very thoughtful too! Nothing's changed!

  11. Very sweet! No wonder you're soooo good at drawing birds - you've been practicing a long time on them. =) Nice post!

  12. You've always been an artist, Betsy! Wha a nice surprise from your aunt.

  13. nice...what a really cool surprise...and neat that she had held onto it...nice bird betsy!

  14. So cute, Betsy. To think she saved that for all those years. Maybe I do throw things out too quickly! PS The birds on my blog are sandhill cranes...about 4' tall, beautiful and noisy! The key word here is "yet". You don't have them in your yard...yet. LOL!

  15. Anita ~ were beautiful. I wonder how they would get along with the kittens! hahaha.

  16. that is such a gift to see your own artwork from childhood. you are clearly a natural. fun comparing this to the recent bird-n-coffee mug drawing you did. progression while maintaining a certain style is a big part of the thrill of creating art, ain't it?

  17. What a really neat surprise. I'm glad she kept it and shared it with you now.

  18. Hi Betsy .. what a wonderful gift sent back to you - a real surprise on your 50th - that'll make the day even more special in the years to come.. the drawing is gorgeous - very clever .. cheers Hilary

  19. Awwwwww how lovely!!! Awww this is so so so cute! Already you were super duper talented and creative then and now you're just amazing! wonderful! Take care

  20. I would call that an extra special birthday gift. How sweet of your aunt to save it. Seems like your talent for art was obvious from an early age.

  21. I would have recognised that drawing anywhere. And if I'm your Uncle Steve - am I related to your aunt Delores?

  22. hahaha that was rather funny
    And right on the money
    I stepped into that one
    Guess I should watch on what keys my fingers run

  23. Incredibly kind and very loving gift. That has to be one of the more touching and meaningful gifts I've seen given. Thank you for sharing, Betsy.


  24. Pat ~ haha..yes, that made me laugh
    at your little gaff.
    I'm sure a sweaty tongue
    would make you glum.
    That's worse than a numb one, too
    yes, that I knew.

  25. Alan ~ yes, you would be her brother! :)

  26. What a beautiful card! Handmade cards are the best. And Dee is an absolute sweetheart : )

  27. Yes she is, Cat. We're lucky to know her, aren't we? :)

  28. What a fantastic gift AND could draw THEN too!

  29. doesn't that make you feel wonderful?
    I made an oil painting I gave to my aunt and she still has it When I went to see it I thought hmmm It's so good I couldn't believe I painted it.
    She is old now and her kids don't seem like they care but they won't give it back to me lol

  30. How sweet...and look at your talent as a young girl...

  31. How nice!You were a budding artist then Betsy.Keep me posted if you make the beet cake.I wont make it til you taste it LOL.

    Have a nice weekend!

  32. That was so sweet of your aunt to save the card and then to send it to you after all those years. What a lovely and thoughtful thing to do. You had an artist soul even back then. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  33. You touch her heart way back then and now the gift is returned. Not many of us will experience something like that.

  34. In my short time knowing her, she was very sweet to me - what a touching thought to send this back to you!


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