Thursday, August 11, 2011


I couldn't sleep last night, for several reasons, and after laying there a couple of hours realized that I had a sore throat and a fever! Ugh. In the summer? Those are the worst kinds of sick, I think. To make it worse, I had an auction to work today. I popped a handful
of pills (lol...yes that was for you Pat) and got myself there alright. We had our registration and cashier's table just inside the front door. It was a filthy, rundown house that smelled like mildew. And look at my view for the day! LOL..oh, those auction porta johns! They make me laugh every time. It is sitting literally 2 steps from the front porch with people walking all around it! And you can't see from the photo, but it was sitting on such a slant, I swore it was going to fall over today with someone inside it! It didn't happen, but I did have my camera ready! This was the only photo I took at the auction! Busy, crazy day with some strange computer glitches and some cranky people. lol...

The weather, however was delightful. Less humid, less hot and the clouds were amazing!

I got to drive through my second favorite tree tunnel! This one is short and not on a curvy road like the other one, but it is still pretty. My last turn before getting home. Always have to look at that barn. Very pretty today!
This was a nice sight, too! Two of my men said they would help with dinner as I sat at my desk and watched. The Mister prepared some sweet corn and Taylor manned the grill. It was a good thing because I was feeling pretty worn out when I walked in the door at the end of the day. I think they felt sorry for me after one look. Or maybe they didn't want me touching their food! LOL.
I told The Mister that he looked like a dwarf beside Taylor, and I'm shorter than him! I guess that makes me look really little! And at 5' 5", I'm really not that short!
Hope you had a nice day.
I need to get to bed!


  1. Keep on popping those pills
    Sick is awful and no thrills
    To top it all off the house was nasty too
    God my ocd would be in overdrive if I was
    Yeah I'd cook myself as well
    Pretending to be nice, when really wouldn't want any germyness, but that I wouldn't come right out and tell..haha
    I'm only an inch or two taller than you
    Guess if that's short than I am too

  2. What a day..I hope you took a long soak and went to bed early! Nice of the guys to fix dinner too. :D

  3. Yes, I think the house didn't help my sickness
    It was just full of ickiness!
    I used half a bottle of hand sanitizer
    and drank very little to prevent any porta john disasters.

    I don't think we're short btw,
    Just tall, skinny boy here makes us
    feel that way!

    Home tomorrow I will stay
    and just read blogs all day!
    ha. Achoo. Sniff. Sorry.

  4. Bless your sweet heart! Have you ever tried Airborne? It's all natural...take it when you first start feeling sick and it really does help. What a day you had..and what a gorgeous day here too. We had a cool breeze that was amazing! Stop by my blog and check out a giveaway going on right now... Sending healing hugs to one of my favorite ladies!

  5. smiles. i am glad they took care of get some rest and i hope you feel better...cant believe you went anyway, nice dedication...

  6. I'm so very glad the Mister and Taylor made dinner. My goodness Taylor is tall.

    So sorry your are sick..

    Get better soon, sweet Betsy!

  7. a summer cold AND cranky poor thing! I'm so glad your guys are taking good care of you...

  8. Sorry to hear you're not well Betsy, especially in the summer. Yuk! Looks like you live in a beautiful part of the world. And what a sight to come home to. Having dinner cooked for you!

    Hope you're well soon.

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  9. Feel better soon!! I hate to be sick with the colds and such in the summer. It is awful for sure!!
    I don't think I would risk that porta-John either! Yuk!!
    Hugging you

  10. LOVE your auction posts!!! Hope you feel better soon. I think we have the same virus at our house.
    :( I have to echo the better baker. Airborne is awesome!!!!

  11. Hi Betsy, I am back from my summer break.;)
    I agree with you on being sick in the summer, it seems much harder to get through.;))
    Love your new look here, hope you are feeling better.;))

  12. I hope your feeling better today Betsy.Maybe the porta potty thingy made you sick too LOL.I could NEVER pee that way wouldnt ever happen lol.

    Dont feel bad Im 5ft5 too,I think thats a good height cause in heels we are 5ft6 even better LOL

    Happy thursday to you!

  13. Glad your guys took over for you. I hope you had a good nights sleep and feeling better today.

  14. Three words: oil of oregano! (That is, if you're not all better, which I hope you are).

  15. Zuzana ~ you have been missed! Can't wait to hear about your summer! I hope it was lovely.

  16. BPG ~ I remember you mentioning oil of oregano before! I guess I need to buy that and some airborne!

  17. Sounds like a busy day for you. Take it easy today! :-)

  18. Those are some good men you have there willing to make dinner for you:-)

  19. Feeling better? Hope so!

    1. Another great shot of the Potty!
    Who is going to "go" there with all those people walking by?
    2. I think this is the first pic of the Mister I've seen.
    3. I don't think Taylor is through growing, look at the size of his feet!
    4.To: Taylor's girlfriends family, He COOKS!

  20. Christine ~ you would be surprised...there was a line to that potty all day. And I had to laugh at how close they stood by the door to wait...way too close in my opinion. lol!

    Oh, I've posted lots of pics of The Mister! Just click on his label.

    Taylor's shoe size is 10.5. Hopefully he's done growing! oh my. I think he hopes he's done, too!

  21. I hope you can get some rest today, Betsy. Nice that the Mister and Taylor made dinner. So sweet!

  22. oh poor you. My husband took me to the hospital for my wris and came home with a very bad virus chest cold.
    So we both missed summer this year because we are both in bed for three weeks now He has never been sick like this before and medicine just knocks you out.

  23. Lady ~ ugh! I'm so sorry! 3 weeks is a long time to be sick. Feel better...and your hubs, too!

  24. Hope you feel better soon. How sweet of the guys to make dinner for you : )

  25. I have what you have and you are right.Summer colds are the very worse !!

  26. Well I would be a midget next to T too. LOL. So, does T show his underpants in public too or just when home? LOL.

    Well, I might well be cranky too if I..
    1. had to sit in a slanted porta-loo, or..
    2. had to stand in queue next to said porta-jon.

    Now, tell us, would you have taken a pic of sorry person left sitting there if it had keeled over? LOL. Reminds me of that story of man who got accidentally carried away by truck across hundreds of miles all the while literally stuck in and on a porta-jon! By the time they found him, his legs were so numb and he was weak from heat exhaustion! They had to cut open the plastic ring! Oh dear me. how horrid for all concerned.

  27. Wow, Taylor is tall! Hope you're feeling better today. You should get pay-and-a-half for working whilst ill and enduring that view.

  28. My husband looks like he's shrinking when he's with our kids! LOL...hope you feel better, enjoy the pampering while you can!

  29. What a day! Nothing can wear a person out more that dealing with cranky people. I'm sure it was nice to have such sweet helpers when you got home. Sorry you feel so bad.

  30. OMG! You have a busy day! I have a similar Im care my dad and Mom right now!

  31. Hope you feeling well soon!! gloria

  32. Wow, that Taylor is tall. I hope you are feeling better. I am happy to know someone else shares my strange fascination with the portable toilet. Ha! I'm trying to catch up on everyone's, on to the next post!

  33. I especially love their cooking attire...we have the same wardrobe at our house!
    My niece has a bad sore throat and her tonsils are infected. Must be something going around! Yuck!

  34. lol what a day and that farmer's tan makes to laugh. I'm 5"6 and at one time I thought that was pretty tall but that was when I was actually tall for my age which is not anymore.

  35. Haha, I'm I'm pretty sure I'd look short next to him. And next to your husband. Even standing next to you. :)


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