Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Locks of Love

So, my hair is getting REALLY long. :)
One time I had 8 inches cut off and a friend reminded me that if I had 10 inches cut, I could have donated it to Locks of Love! What a great idea! Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada suffering from long-term hair loss from any diagnosis. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure.

My hair grows really fast and I think if I let it grow a couple more months I can donate 10 inches and still have my hair touch my shoulders, which is still long enough to wear up like I often do. I'll keep you posted and take pics, of course. Besides, if these people above can do it, I can too! Better than having it swept up off the salon floor and thrown away, right? The guy's photos are really funny, aren't they? They look like mug shots, although he does look happier after he gave his hair away, doesn't he? :)

And this is the best part of all, isn't it? Look at this beautiful young girl with her "real hair" hairpiece! That just makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?
I'm thinking end of September, past my birthday, just
in case I really hate my new haircut. lol. :)

photos from google.com/locksoflove


  1. What a great cause Betsy. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow but nowhere near as much hair to give as those people.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx

  2. That is such an awesome program...if my hair were long, I'd want to help out too! ;D

  3. Such a generous woman, you. And EVERYBODY looks happy in the lock of love group. Givers and receivers alike.

  4. Yes the guy does look happier with it gone
    With it he looks more like a con
    It take years upon years for mine to ever get that way
    So I can't play
    If they accept cat hair though
    I'd have enough in a week or so..haha
    But it is a very nice thing to do
    And it does beat getting swept off the floor it's true

  5. If you can grow your hair that long you should do it. I used to have long hair, as a teen, but it's been years. I don't really think it would grow well at my age but I admire those who do this. Such rewards for the recipient.

  6. It's such a great program - good for you for the wonderful gift you will give someone!

  7. Pat ~
    Yep, I had to chuckle at the guy
    but good for him for giving it a try!
    Pet hair would be great
    And Nugget could certainly donte!
    I vaccuum up enough every day
    to make a whole new animal, I'd say!
    Maybe Orson could start a whole new club chat
    To donoate to those hairless Egyptian cats!

  8. I think thats a wonderful thing to do,, just great,,

  9. I know many people that do this. It's a wonderful gift!

  10. I just got my hair trimmed its right on my shoulders.I dont go past that ever LOL.I like a pony tail or bun sometimes.

    Thats a really great cause.Im wondering if the hair may go to kids with cancer as well.But your right did you ever take notice what falls off some peoples heads after a cut? lol,Surely it should be swept up and sent for a great cause such as this.

    Happy Tuesday ahead Betsy!

  11. Becky~ yes, I'm like you..have to be able to wear it up!

    They give hairpieces to kids for any medical hairloss, including cancer!

    and the hair has to be sent in a ponytail or braid..it can't be swept up in a pile from the floor.

    And if you request it and the recipient wants to, they can send you a photo of themselves wearing your hair! Very fun.

  12. what a really cool organization...thank you for doing it!

  13. I've done this three times since my mother passed away and it's an awesome thing you are doing! One word of advice is to speak to your hair stylist first. Even though the cut/pony tail has to be a certain amount, some won't do it unless you have more so that they can style it after they cut the pony tail. Oh and when/if you start turning grey, they have the same program for adults!

  14. Mama ~ three times! Wow, that is great! It's so easy if you usually wear your hair long..and it costs nothing. Those are good tips...thanks. Yes, I'm planning on having more than enough so that shouldn't be a problem.

  15. This is a great cause and we have several young ladies in our community who do this on a regular basis.

  16. That is a great thing to do Betsy. Will be watching your progress. The man looks evil in the first photo.

  17. QMM ~ he did clean up well, didn't he? lol....

  18. Maybe one day I'll donate my hair. I wonder how long it will be by next summer?

  19. haha poor Orson would then get fell the strain
    Might pop a vein
    As he'd have two causes to take up
    Might have to employ a pup
    But pet hair would be funny
    Whether from cat, dog or bunny
    As it could be colors galore
    Hippy dippy people might buy four..haha

  20. I love this program. One of my grandsons has the most beautiful red hair. He's an upcoming "Rock Star" and his hair was very, very long. Loves his guitar, but also loves the Lord, and when he heard of this program, he decided to donate his. He looks cute in his shorter hair, and since he's in water polo, short hair is better.

  21. Wanda ~ what a cool story. And he can always grow it again!

  22. This is a fantastic cause and I know people who have done it. I used to have hair that reached past my waist, but once I cut it shoulder length, that is where it has stayed, so I don't think I will be able to donate any hair. Oh well, can't wait to see the pics.

  23. THANKS YOU Betsy! I am a two time breast cancer survivor and I know what it means to be bald...this is an amazing cause, thanks for helping those in need. Two of my daughters have donated too...I love it! :)

  24. Big heart and long hair, great combination.

  25. Melody ~ oh I know those of you who have experienced this first hand appreciate it all the more! And good for your daughters for giving their locks away.

  26. Christine ~ you are always so witty with the comments. I'll just give both away, how's that? lol....they both grow back, right?

  27. Son #3 grew out his hair and donated it several years ago. He has beautiful red locks, but they started looking scraggly as they got long; I was glad when he was able to get them cut off!

  28. You gave your heart away 27 years ago. And now you have an even bigger heart. That is some record!

  29. Kathy ~ several people have mentioned beautiful red hair! That was great your son thought of donating it when it was to cut it off!

  30. OK Wanda..looking forward to hearing all about it! :)

  31. What a wonderful thing to do, Betsy! My hair never grows that long or else I'd also grow it long and donate it.

  32. Good for you Betsy! Alot of folks around here do this...my brother has been growing out his hair for LoL for almost 2 years, and it's still not long enough. He just got married...I'm hoping some nurturing will help it to grow. I'm glad you're still going to have long hair once it's cut. =)

  33. About three years ago, I was losing my hair. It was falling out, plus my fingernails were barely there. We finally figured out it was a new medication and they changed it. It has slowly gotten some of it's thickness back and the almost bald spots have filled back in. It is a very scary thing to happen and if I see a lot of hairs falling out after I wash my hair, a slight panic occurs.

    I am sure I do not know what those who totally lose their hair feel, but I can tell you that I felt such a loss. My once beautiful thick curly hair is now just a thinner version. I am so very grateful to have what I have and hopefully someday it will thicken again.

    And every day I feel it to just make sure it is still there. I was so close to needing a wig.

    It is such a wonderful and loving thing that people do who donate their hair to the hairless. Being a hair donor or an organ donor puts these people into a special class of their own. There are no words to describe these special people. We can only pray that others follow in their footsteps. Very blessed people.

    God bless.

  34. What a wonderful cause. My ten year old is growing her hair out for that same reason. Way to go! You are amazing!!

  35. Good luck--keep on growing! Ten inches is a LOT to get whacked off. That will be a huge pile of hair on the floor when you are done. The project is a worthwhile one--I remember when Ann Curry (Today Show) grew her hair out and then donated it. Mickie :)

  36. It is a wonderful cause and I am glad that you can do that! Cool!!
    My girlfriend is a hairdresser and cuts and donates to the locks of love all the time. So many are helped by this program. Very worthwhile!!

  37. MrsUpole ~ the two years after my boys were diagnosed I started loosing my hair...found out it was stress (duh!) and iron supplements helped it grow back. Yes, it is a scary thing. I'm glad you got your medication corrected. Biotin is really good for growing out your nails and hair. I take it every day at a fairly high dose.

  38. Marsha ~ yeah, it will still be plenty long, so it's hardly a sacrifice at all. ha.

  39. Tiffanee ~ good for your daughter! What a great lesson and heart for her to do something so young!

  40. I would if I could .... but unfortunately I can't. Can I nominate Amy's fur instead?

  41. Yes, Alan..Pat and I were just saying that...our pets are shedding like crazy! Too bad we can't put that to good use...make a jumper or something, right? lol...

  42. Is it true one can't donate if their hair has been colored or highlighted? I thought I heard something like that. What a cool program!!!!!! Jackie

  43. Jackie ~ it can be colored or permed, no problem. It just cannot be bleached.

  44. What a great cause. Be sure to post a photo when you get your hair cut : )

  45. great betsy, go for it! wonderful program.

    a friend of mine - a fellow in his mid 50s with a luxurious mane of silver hair has been growing his hair for a similar program for adults.

    unlike you and jim my hair is very thin and grows so slow no way i could donate locks ....but i got lots of love to give ;)

  46. kim~ oh that is very cool...good for your friend! And yes, you do have a lot of love...one of the things I love about you, dear! :)

  47. What a great idea (yours to wait a while til yours is long enough and the whole project too). Mind you, I also liked that they were sending hair swept up off the floor from our hairdressers over here, to soak up that huge oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico.

  48. that's pretty awesome! Yeah, I've tried to grow my hair so I can donate it but I get so sick of my super thick poofy hair that I chop it off before it could be long enough to get ten inches off. But this time I'm REALLY going to try to grow it out long enough because my hair could make a pretty nice wig I think. So, yeah, you definately have to post pictures of your haircut. :)

  49. jenny ~ I had forgotten about them using human hair to soak up the oil, but you are right! Amazing that they thought of that and it worked so well!

  50. It's a fantastic cause. My daughter also donated a couple of years ago. Thank you for making the world a better place for someone. :)

  51. I used to do hair for a living and we heard a lot about this particular foundation. No one ever came in to support it though.

    I'd love to help out by donating mine but it doesn't grow out very well - my hair is very fine so it looks really thin and scraggly if it gets very long.

    That's great you're thinking of donating your hair! I'm sure you'll love your shorter do too! And if you don't, just remind yourself that you did it to help someone in need.

  52. When the girls were little, Ashley did this twice and Alex did it once. As someone who has now lost hair due to chemo, I can speak for the value of hair. Good for you!

  53. Wow, how moving to see that young lady with a great headpiece. she looks great. gulp. So sweet.

    my daughter did that once--donated her hair. now, if they could do toenails, I'd be set! Well, not quite but!

    Heh, upon first glance I thought that bottom right guy was your hubs in his college days or something and wondered which one was you!

  54. Great cause Betsy! My sister and daughter both did it and received free hair cuts as a result of going through a pre-authorized salon with Locks of Love.


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