Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kitten Update

The kittens are now five months old and mom has decided that
her job is done. She scarcely comes around any more and
when she does, she is not willing to share food or let the
kittens nurse on her any longer. She hisses and bats them
on the head! When she comes by it is only to eat and leave.
My goal of domesticating her failed miserably. lol. I got to
touch her a couple of times and was promptly admonished.

Tiger remains the most affectionate and friendly. He's happy to sit in my lap, trot along beside me in the garden and is constantly trying to come inside.


Marmalade will tolerate being held and petted but you have to catch him and hold him down to do it. He purrs very loudly but doesn't seek that kind of attention. And did you notice that Marmy almost has a milk mustache, too?
Mustache has been the little rebel. He's grown up faster than the other three and was determined to run with mom. For the past few weeks he has followed after her and wasn't seen for days at a time. I assumed she was giving hunting lessons. This past week he came back, looking a little ragged. See the abrasions around his eyes? He looks like he tried to wedge his face into a small space and scraped himself up and lost his eyebrows in the process. Mom didn't seem happy to have him around and they had a few tussles on the back porch. He was skittish and not as friendly as before. After a few days of food, affectionate petting and telling him life is SO much better here with me, he has decided to stay. :)
And last is little Whiskers. She's such a tiny girl! But she can hold her own wrestling with her brothers and is a spitfire. Can't pet her yet but she loves to play ..with her claws out, I may add. She does watch with interest as Tiger sits on my lap, so maybe she will come around in time.
click to enlarge
This is one of my favorite things to see in the morning. All four kittens sleeping in the wicker chair, waiting for breakfast. And yes, before anyone asks, they are welcome to stay as long as they wish. But they will need a trip to the vet eventually. :) And they have to be tame enough to pick up and pet, you know? Ugh. Hate to see that vet bill! Maybe they'll give me a good deal? Presently, I'm just happy Mustache has decided that a cushy life is so much better thanbeing a wild tom cat always on the run. :)


  1. betsy...they are beyond adorable...

    i love kittys !!!

    the mama looks exactly like my little stray..pixie rose marie...she was here when we moved here...she must have been abandonded...took me ONE YEAR to pet her...she would hiss up a storm...now she purrs when i pet her...she has been on my doorstep every morning and evening now for 3 years...she even comes when i call her...

    god bless you for taking care of these sweet babies

    love the header, btw

    happy to visit today, my friend

    kary and teddy

  2. Oh my gosh! Each and every one of them is so darn cute. I'm glad they found a safe and loving haven with you. The picture of them in the wicker chair is adorable!

  3. Kary ~ well, I'll keep trying with this mamma then. She's a stubborn, wild one! ha.

  4. Betsy...the cat tamer.
    Thanks for sharing about your little project in pictures.
    So...will they be wintering at your house or finding them new homes...and will you make them a little "home of their own" if they stay?
    Take care,
    Mommy 2 aka Nancy

  5. Fun to hear and see these little ones...they are so darn cute! So nice you are taking care of them so good! :D

  6. Nancy ~ Who knows?! I'd like them to stay since I've obviously become attached to them. And the only one friendly enough to give away is Tiger and he's my favorite. ha.

  7. They are so sweet...hope they stay tame. And I hope the momma cat will stay and they could be one big happy family : )

  8. Cat ~ they might as well...my five men....my five cats.... lol...

  9. My favorite cats have been the ones who showed up randomly on the doorstep. Not that I don't love the others, there's just something about a cat who chooses you for their friend. We have 3 cats, but I know there is an occasional intruder in the midst. I've seen him fly out the cat door once or twice, and he's gray and white, not black and white like my Oreo Cookie.

  10. They sure are cute! I think they look pretty sweet in that chair too. :)

  11. Martha ~ Oreo...oh, that's cute. :)
    Yes, I agree...we used to have 2 cats...ones that we chose and brought home. These have been a little more special. :)

  12. They are all just so sweet !
    I was wondering if you were keeping them all, and then you answered my question, you softie !
    You have a caring heart my friend.

  13. Besty check with vets in the area. I know here there is a local vet that will 'fix' feral cats that my neighbor catches for free. I think if you explain the situation, you might find one willing to do the same thing.

  14. I think she knows where she's safe,, looks very happy

  15. Mammahasspoken ~ that's a good idea! I'll call around and check! Thanks!

  16. Yeah some around here that fixes feral ones cheap too
    So could be easier on you
    Let's hope they don't get mad and run off after it's done
    Since you ruined all their ummm fun
    Fun to see them all curled up too
    Waiting for the food that's due
    Soon you might need a bigger chair
    As all four keep growing at your lair

  17. They are so cute on the wicker chair how sweet.

  18. Pat ~ yep, no fun to be had
    and might hurt a tad
    but better have four
    and no more
    unless mom comes back to repeat
    then that won't be neat!

  19. smiles. love the pic of them all curled up...our new kitten is getting along better with our elder cat...a little playful and the kit tries to challenge the queen every once in a while...lol

  20. Sweet pix and post Betsy! Those kitties are blessed to have found YOU. =)

  21. This would make a great Children's Story.
    Don't cha ya think?

  22. Kittens are just life's sweetest things.

  23. Christine ~ yes, it really would! :)

  24. They are sweet kittens and I like your names. Our feral cat did the same except she found somewhere else to get her four fed and she comes to eat once a week, never got her tamed either. It has been two months since we had seen the kittens.

  25. So cute, Betsy. I wonder if a local humane society would be more reasonable for check ups? It's been so fun to watch this little family grow up!

  26. They are so cute and if you can find someone to take any of them would be nice. They would be getting a really cute kitty.

    I'm not sure about the Humane Society being the cheapest. Our youngest daughter has four cats. Almost two years ago one of the females disappeared. She went to the Humane Center and found what we now know was a "twin" to her cat. They charged her almost $100 to get her cat out. When she got it home, she discovered it was really sick. She rushed it to the Emergency Vets who told her it was too sick to save and that the Humane Society had to have known this before they gave it to her. This all happened in the same day. They put it to sleep. But the vet told her that this cat could not be hers because it was too old to be her cat.

    Another $300 later, she was crying over a cat that was not hers. She felt sad but at the same time happy that she saved a cat from suffering. Back to the Humane Society and they refused to give her money back. I just told her that was an expensive lesson.

    Anyway she no longer trusts them. We have a vet who we can negotiate our prices with him. Some will and some won't. But because we bring our different familie's pets to the same vet, he gives us deals. My old vet would not. And he charged twice as much.

    Plus there is good news to this story. The cat that she thought was forever gone, well the "real" Cherish showed up about a month ago as if nothing had ever happened. We think someone had taken her and kept her in their house, and she finally just got out. One of our male cats is her brother and so she is kinda special for us. Oh and I had cried for her loss too. Now we are happy cat people. They do say that Cherish will not leave my daughters yard anymore.

    Funny how a cat can still remember where to come home to. So I think Mama cat will always come home to you, she has adopted you. After all you are the Cat Whisperer!!

    God bless.

  27. The kittens are so adorable!! Glad they have a place they can call "home". It is tough out there in the wild!

  28. Hey Betsy! WE love ALL our kitties too. Those four are SO SWEET and SUCH good company! When you decide you need vet help...give me a call...you can have them fixed up for a fraction $...we have done it MANY times since living at The Glen.

  29. I love the one with the mustache! ;-)

  30. They are so sweet! You should check around to see if there is a rescue vet. They usually will take care of the kitties for half the cost of a regular vet. I'm doing that with Shadow, cause I did rescue him. Check with your local SPCA or animal catcher.

  31. Jill ~ oh, thanks! I will call you! :)

  32. Sweet, sweet kitties! Adorable. But then, I'm a pushover for kitties.

  33. AngelMay ~ well, me, too! ha. Hey, it's great to see you!

  34. I know the mama is skittish, but if you could take her in too, it would save you from getting another litter dropped at your door. I have a male who looks just like your mustach :)

  35. Anonymous ~ well, I can't catch her..not even touch her, so not sure how I could do that. Nice thought, though.

  36. Awww, sweet kitties! Our cat is 15 now, but when she was having batches of kittens, she'd wean them and then she'd leave until we found homes for them.

  37. Betsy I was wondering if the earthquake that hit Virginia if you felt the aftershock there where you are.We did in Pennsylvania!Take care!

  38. Lovely how they all have different characters and you have great names for them. Tiger is definitely my favourite - so pretty.

  39. Becky ~ no, we didn't feel it here, but I see on the news that it was felt in Ohio! Maybe it was more on the east side our of state, closer to you.

  40. so sweet. the top one looks like my Rose cat!

  41. Heather ~ Rose? Aw, what a cute name!

  42. Maybe you can get a buy 2: get 2 free at the vet!! They are so cute. Tiger is my fav! blessings ~ Tanna

  43. It's really hard not to fall in love with Tiger, isn't it? You should hear his little squeaky meow. ha.

  44. Those kitties are so adorable. I love the picture of them curled up in the wicker chair. They have found a warm loving home it seems.

  45. Thanks, Chris! And how nice of you to visit! :)

  46. Becky ~ hey, our power went out with that earthquake! I didn't make the connection until later! Wow!

  47. Your kitty family makes me happy. What an accidental, random, fun blessing. I think mama cat needs to take some lessons from you in nurture.

  48. Well, she was an really good mom and gave up her food for them while they were young. Protected them from raccoons, too...and did find us...loving family that would help her feed them. But she certainly knew when it was time to cut the apron strings and she's not going back! ha.

  49. I think Whiskers is the cutest and if I were a cat lover, I would love to have him.

    Speaking of the earthquake, my youngest daughter and family were winding up a week in DC. They were on their last building, just finished and starting for the door when the order came to evacuate. Perfect timing for them to head back to hotel all sight seeing accomplished down to the minute.

  50. Oh, they realy are so darling and I love your names for them too. Of course Mom would abdicate here role when there is such a good mom right there in you! As if your plate wasn't already full! Better hope so stray mama dog shows up with pups! :)


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