Sunday, August 21, 2011

Homey Sounds

photos by me and
I mentioned in one of my random thoughts last week that
wonderful squeak and bang of an old wooden screen door.
We have one that leads into our courtyard and I love to hear
it. There's something old fashioned and nostalgic about it.
The same goes for wind chimes, the tick and chime of clocks,
and that dreamy oscillating room fan that makes me
sleepy just to hear it. I've also been enjoyed the creak of
our porch swing and the crickets chirping.
Pleasant, relaxing sounds of summer!
Do you have a favorite homey sound?


  1. My favorite sound is the sound of my husband's truck pulling into the driveway after work. :)

  2. I think mine is the loon that wakes us everymorning,

  3. we don't have loons! I don't even know what one sounds like!

  4. These are sounds you soon will be hearing a lot of (once the boys are back at school).

  5. trains...grew up with them at the bottom of the hill...the bang of the screen door is def familiar...the coffe maker burbling...ahh....

  6. The click of my little dog's claws on the door; he's trying to open it to come to me. And, lying down with a book in the afternoon, the sun hits the iron roof, it expands and contracts, making little 'thump' noises.

  7. I love the sound of my chiming clock and it's loud tick-tock in the dead of night. It's comforting, and I soon drop off to sleep again know that all is well.

    The homey sound I hate is somebodys dog barking loudly, at nothing seemingly, every morning at 6am!

  8. I enjoy hearing my rooster crow early in the morning! Early in the spring I like to hear the baby frogs "peepers" singing. We have a lot of ponds and swamp near our home so it can get pretty loud actually!

  9. I sure do I love crickets and wind chimes.I could listen to them both forever.

    Have a beautiful sunday Betsy!

  10. Rebecca ~ a rooster would be fun. Years ago we could hear one if our windows were open but that hasn't happened in quite a while! :)

  11. Keith ~ barking, don't like that one either! ha.

  12. mourning doves, trains and coffee perking....all wonderful! Sigh!

  13. I hear too many sounds
    Some I don't care to repeat at my grounds
    So no none of them are nice to me
    Some make me want to flee
    I'll get out of the crap hole soon enough though
    Then maybe some sounds I'll like at my show..haha

  14. Pat ~ how about a purring cat?
    That's a homey sound for Pat!
    I was just enjoying that last night times four
    I had them all going when I was out doors.

  15. oooh, i love an old screen door - last night we were having a bbq outside and the summeritme bugs were singing...that's one of my favorite sounds!

  16. I also love the creak/bang of an old screen door. My gran used to have one.

  17. The birds singing in the morning and the crickets and frogs at night. Ahh...pure bliss for me.

  18. I wish we could hear frogs at night! We just have toads. They don't make any sounds, do they? At least ours don't. ha.

  19. it's been a long time since i heard a screen door creak and shut. i love wind chimes. i used to hear the waves of the pacific crashing on the beach first thing in the morning. can't afford that place anymore:)

  20. Lovely montage, Betsy. I agree with you about the wind chimes; I have several outside my bedroom window and love to listen to them. I also love the sound of my 2 pugs snoring when they sleep. Funny: One snores alto and one snores bass.

  21. Ed ~ I think the waves of the ocean would beat them all...oh my. How wonderful! We certainly don't have that in Ohio. lol...

  22. Janice ~ snoring is so cute!

  23. the cicadas that sing behind my house...somehow it seems so peaceful!

    (here via Eddie Bluelights place)

  24. Sarah ~ I'm glad you stopped by! Now, we don't have a swarm of cicadas like people in the south, but we do have one or two in our back yard. They certainly are a sound of summer!

  25. I guess a purring cat can count
    But your four doubled my amount
    Although on is rather loud
    And he rhymes so proud..haha

  26. Pat ~ Yes, and he drools,
    so I guess he rules!

  27. I dearly love the sound of a ticking grandparents had ticking clocks and it reminds me of them...makes me feel everything is right with the world.

  28. Oh I agree, Betsy. Mourning doves and trains. We can only hear the train whistle for three weeks in August during the Indiana State Fair taking people to and from. So I look forward to that.

  29. The ring tone on my phone that tells me when someone who loves me is calling!

  30. my favorite sound at home is when the coffeemaker finishes making the coffee, squeezing these last few drop into the coffee, and the smell wafting through my place. one quickly forgets the sounds of downtown to focus only on that discreet sound, waiting for happiness in a cup!!

    need i mention i'm a coffee addict?!?

  31. Tickle ~ that is a great sound...and I have coffee in my veins instead of blood! haha.

  32. Hi Betsy ~ Aunt Trula had a porch swing that was never used and collecting dust. When her son was down this weekend, he said why don't you take this home to your back yard. We cleaned it up and it looks like new...I love the sound when I gently swing. In fact this afternoon, after watering all my plants I laid down on it and took a little snooze.

    Aunt Trula has a clock in her kitchen that has a differnt bird on every hour that sings it song.

    Those are two sounds I'm loving!

    You are in my thoughts.

  33. Wanda ~ oh, I'm so happy for you getting that porch swing! How wonderful. So glad you sneaked a nap in this afternoon, too.

  34. I love to listen to the crickets and frogs, when we sit outside. It is so peaceful.

  35. I love the sound of my grand father clock, he died many yeras, but the clock maybe has about 60 years!
    Whhen the kids return from school and said HI! and I answer, Hi dears!
    Lovely post Betsy! gloria

  36. Oh gosh Betsy I need a new prescription for my lens - I read this post title as Horny Sounds & was wondering what I was in for!!!
    Millie x

  37. Millie ~ you are a hoot! Oh, yeah...a whole post about them! Let's, maybe I better not! :)

  38. it woudl take some getting used to for me but does sounds lovely. I contend with neighbourhood kids running and around playing and screaming until the very late hours or night. I don;t know how they do it!


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