Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Current Favorite Snack

I think I've eaten a few hundred cherries this summer.
I just can't seem to resist their sweetness, their
color or their cute heart shaped selves.
Good thing they have pits to slow me down a little!
"If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?"
Erma Bombeck


  1. Christine ~ they are huge..and from your state! :)

  2. They look good...I have been munching on sweet purple grapes all afternoon! ;D

  3. Julie ~ yum...we have those, too but I'm trying to save them for Spencer! ha.

  4. AGREED! A delicious snack FOR SURE...haven't they been firm, sweet and DELICIOUS?! You are right...I am glad for those seeds to slow down the process! One can eat DOZENS of them in a short period of time!!!

  5. Jill ~ otherwise, I'd be eating them like popcorn! ha.

  6. wow, thats a big beautiful cherry!!

  7. I had some this afternoon - Yum!

  8. I like cherries, but they take too much work :-) The past few weeks I've been eating a lot of peaches, nectarines, and plums.

  9. That looks so delicious! And lots of antioxidants too. :)

  10. oh my...we used to eat them out of the neighbors tree, as kids....until we were sick...i love fruit...

  11. Not sure why I haven't bought cherries this year. Usually by now I am cherried out. Just can't get enough bananas or grapes. Bowls and bowls of grapes along with some melons have been our choices of fruit this summer. But then the best snack is a brownie or chocolate chip cookie. And my scale let's me know. I need to get rid of that dang thing.

    God bless.

  12. Don't forget their texture and the great pop when you bite them! LOL! Cherries are my favorite fruit! You've started my cravings! =)

  13. Don't think one has ever passed my lips
    Not even the tips
    Love the quote about the pits
    Maybe that's why the cat has so many fits
    But I can relate to eating until one can't stop
    Just pringles are what goes plop
    In my yap
    But you knew that from a past flap..haha

  14. Pat ~ yeah, sorry..not a post for you
    but you're kind and comment, too!
    So, when eating Pringles, do you eat them one by one
    or stick a whole stack in your mouth when you've just begun?
    My boys like to crunch several at a time
    When they all get going in rhyme
    It can get quite loud but shortlived
    for soon the can is empty that I give.

  15. I bought a big bag of these a few weeks ago. My husband and I ate on them every time we walked passed the fridge.

  16. Elsa ~ well, at least you had them out of sight! I put them in a big bowl on the counter and they call our name as we walk into the kitchen! lol...

  17. Love cherries. I used to live in the middle of a cherry orchard when I lived in Naples Italy.

  18. I take a hand full and hold them usually eating one by one
    Unless something requires my attention and needs to be done
    Then I shove them all into my trap
    One time when my lips won't flap..haha
    And never fear
    I can always find a way to give a comment cheer..haha

  19. Pat ~ at least you make them last
    longer than a one stack bite.
    And you wouldn't like the crumbs since they would make you gripe.

  20. We haven't had many cherries this summer, but do love them. I remember years ago when we had picked soo many - and I ate WAY too many. We went to watch a ball game that evening and I couldn't lay my arm across my middle cause I hurt so bad. They sure tasted great going down! =)

  21. Marsha ~ oh yeah, that is way too many! ha. Some times when you do that you don't want to eat that one food for quite a while.

  22. My dearest loves fresh cherries... Your's does look delicious.

    But.... I'm on a "fig" jig right now! Picked up a carton of ripe figs at Trader Joes....and can't put them down.

  23. Betsy, you've reminded me to pick some up at our local store on our next, in fact!

  24. I have been enjoying them as well. They have been so good this year!!

  25. I share your love for cherries.;) When I visited Czech republic earlier this summer, there were so many cherry trees so full of cherries all over alongside the roads.
    Love the image.;)

  26. We love cherries too. I'll only eat fresh - I don't like the texture of the maraschino and such, but I love them fresh!

  27. Cherries are deee-licious. They are all over the stores right about now, but so far I haven't stopped with my watermelon craze to buy any. Think I'll have to remedy that situation right away. :-)

  28. Our beloved cherry tree got blowed over from the remnants of Hurricane Ike that got all the way up here with some force. We were all sitting around the table, eating, when someone remarked, "Your cherry tree just blew over, dad."

    Holy smoke it did.

    It was a tart cherry food for the birds and pies but not good for eating.

    I recently embarked on a new set of apple and one cherry tree. The apples are "gala" and "forgot" the other one. I don't remember the name of the cherry tree either but all three of them are dwarf and the cherry is sweet.

  29. LOVE cherries! i could eat bowl and bowls !

  30. Abe ~ we lost a tree in that hurricane, too! Very strange for Ohio, huh? And we used to have a cherry tree but it died. I really should plant another one.

  31. Wanda ~ I have never eaten a fresh fig! Maybe I should remedy that.

  32. You know they are my favorite!!!
    I haven't bought nearly enough this summer. They have been so very expensive!

  33. i certainly enjoyed cherries as well
    they are unusually sweet this year

  34. Looks delicious! I wonder if they'll ever figure out how to make them pitless. They can grow seedless grapes and oranges : )

  35. Cat ~ good question! And watermelon! I'm sure eventually they will be! I wonder if it will be in our lifetime? ha.

  36. You're right! Thank goodness they have the pits in them to slow all of us down a bit. I would eat them 2 at a time probably.

  37. I love them!Thats one huge cherry.To bad they didnt come without seeds

  38. It's a real sign of the onslaught of spring here. I saw cherries in the shops this week for $10 a kilo! I'll wait until November and buy a box.

  39. Oh, Helen...that's when they will be expensive and out of season here! I'll think of you enjoying them then! I'll be eating apples I suppose. ha.

  40. Yum!! They seem to be really sweet this year!

  41. My favorite too! Mom used to get these for us as a treat in the summer when we were kids. I hate it when they disappear for the year.


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