Thursday, July 14, 2011

What I Did Wednesday #2

click to enlarge
  1. Breakfast ~ bagel, blackberry preserves, coffee!
  2. Checked on the first ripening tomato!
  3. Gave boys there meds and vitamins. Harry tried to take Spencer's after taking his own. I literally had to pry his mouth open and remove pills. That's a first. Geesh!
  4. Washed all of the bath towels.
  5. From my desk, watched Alex happily swinging on the porch swing.
  6. Loaded the dishwasher.
  7. Unloaded the dishwasher.
  8. Wrote down a new recipe to try.
  9. Organized the pantry.
  10. Counted zucchini blossoms.
  11. Wiped out the microwave.
  12. Gave Nugget a good brushing.
  13. Marvelled at the size of the zucchini plant leaves. See my little thumb at the bottom?
  14. Did some baking.
  15. Tasted the baking!
  16. Found kitties sleeping in the hostas.
  17. Welcomed the first jalapeno.
  18. Watered the flowers.
  19. Clipped coupons and made my grocery list.
  20. Lifted my girlie weights.
  21. Cut some herbs.
  22. Had some afternoon tea.
  23. Admired the clouds.
  24. Washed up lettuces from the garden.

There really is beauty in the ordinary!

Hope you noticed some beauty in your day!


  1. Another very productive day for you! I just adore all of your photos.

  2. that dishwasher pic is so cool...and weighing hot peppers? smiles. look like a full wednesday!

  3. I assume there was a #6-and-a-half: "Turned on dishwasher?" Otherwise, #6 and #7 would have been kinda pointless. Just sayin'...

  4. Can't help but laugh at the thought of you prying Harry's mouth open to get out his brother's medicine:-) What would you do without those sweet boys to keep life interesting? I love your list. Maybe that would help me feel more productive if I did that (or maybe it would make me feel worse!).

  5. Silver ~ Well, actually there's a 26-40 but who wants to photograph all of that? ha.

  6. Heather ~ I couldn't believe he did that. And when I said 'no', he stuffed the rest in. I grabbed the glass of water so he couldn't rinse them down, and went in after them. Sigh.

  7. You mean you deprieved us of 26-40
    What was it to sporty..haha
    Making sure Nugget gets his attention
    While the kitties hide in the bush yet still get a mention
    Yeah those really are girlie weights for sure
    But oh well at least if you drop them they won't put a hole in the floor..haha

  8. Pat ~ Yeah, they're girlie weights for sure. Only 3.3 lbs each! At least they aren't pink, right?

    No, not sporty...just boring! :)

  9. Can you believe we had exactly the same kind of day??!

    Well... at least #1 & #23.
    Hope you have another good day tomorrow.

  10. Christine ~ 1 and 23? Well at least they were the really nice parts! :)

  11. I love the daily ordinary. My favorite is when the kids and I are at home during the summer.

  12. Amen to the beauty of the ordinary!! blessings ~ tanna

  13. Sounds like a great Wednesday...I enjoyed your collage of fave...the jalapeno being weighed...cute. It might look small there but I bet it'll pack a punch of heat.

  14. Looks a lot like a thankful list to me.

    Laughing seeing you prying open a mouth full of pills....HaHa

    It was fun following you around this Wednesday.

  15. It could be a thankful list, Wanda! Good point! :)

  16. Well, I did numbers 7, 22 and 23 as well. Ha.

    Yum--that bagel looks so good as does anything from your kitchen.

    Love how you got to enjoy watching S swinging contently there.

    "Welcomed the first jalapeno."
    --Hmm, yes, i msut try that some time. LOL. I don't think I have ever seen a live jalpeno...err, or dead one if you know what I mean. ha.

    I relaly live this Wednesday seies of yours adn looking at teh phots at full size. They are so very artsy and good, many of them. Great ob Betsy and thanks for inviting us into your busy day.

    I realise, of course, you have left out all the many challenges you face each day with your boys, but that pill one was quite the story, let me tell you. I'm sure it's not even half the things you wrestled with.

  17. A thankful list... I love that. It's a visual thankful list. Must try this.

    You're a busy lady.

  18. Hi Betsy: how did you create the window effect?

  19. Caligirl ~ it's a collage. I did with the photo editing Picasa. It's a free download and easy to use!

  20. I love the joy in ordinary days!

  21. Hi! Betsy...
    No#12 have Nugget looking swell...It seems as if you had another busy day
    and nothing seems to stand in your way.
    Thanks, for sharing all the images don't seem like there is nothing you can do!
    deedee ;-D

  22. Oops! don't seem like there is nothing you can't do!

  23. Great post !
    Enjoy your day...


  24. Those leaves are HUGE!!
    What a wonderful list done in pics! I love it!
    Be well

  25. Thanks, Betsy Hotel!

    You're now on my bucket list! :)

  26. Love your mosaic days! This is such a creative way to tell about simple things! :-)

  27. I have to admit I lurk her a lot. Reading and laughing a lot. But, I really enjoy your mosaic days! When you stop to think about all the things you can accomplish in a day it boggles my mind. Plus your kittie and bun-bun pictures are so sweet! Wishing you lots of smiles!

  28. Christie ~ well, thanks, dear. I love for you to visit! You're one of my kindred happy souls! :)

  29. Another great compilation. Ahh : we use the same dishwasher tablets.

  30. Sounds (and looks!) like a lovely day. I am cleared by my cardiologist to exercise, so I'll be busy with my "girlie" weights, too! keep lifting them and maybe you won't get yourself in to trouble like I have.

  31. I use the same dishwasher tablets, too! Only problem is, I do the dishes by hand, so I just swallow two before washing them. It does seem to help...

    I also have my own "girlie weights," in a sense. But that's only when I'm dating a woman who's skinny enough for me to lift.

  32. wow. that's a lot to get accomplished in one day. You are amazing! and I love the way you put this together.

  33. One of these days I'm going to write down everything I do in a day.....could be interesting!!

  34. Your days are a good deal more colourful than mine - which is good and bad, I guess! Impressed by the girlie weights. I tried using water bottles but soon lost interest in proper exercising. No wonder I have puny muscles!

  35. Silver, you win the prize for the most hilarious comment ever. I don't know what the prize is, but you win it! lol.....

  36. i'm in awe!!

    what a creative post.

    love the new header (well i don't how new -new to me as i've been fairly absent around the bloggyhood these days - hoping it isn't a chronic condition)

    summer a time of much beauty, joy, and busyness!!!!

  37. I did catch a glimpse of a little beauty on the inside of my eyelids while taking a nap after reading all the things you did. :)

  38. I think I got tired just looking and reading about what you do in one day. Way too much for me. Nugget looks really spiffy and happy. The garden is growing fantastically.

    Great picture collage.

    God bless.

  39. Whoops, I almost forgot, I use that dishwasher detergent but I take out the pink balls and use them as marbles. They are great unntil they break. Ok, just kidding, but have to hide them from the wee wittle ones. They think are bubble gum balls.


  40. I'd like to help with "the tasted the baking one" the best!

  41. magpie ~ lol....that was cute. Yes, naps are beautiful!

  42. Mrs. U ~ one taste and I'm sure they would decide that they indeed were not bubble gum! :)


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