Monday, July 25, 2011

Lemondrop Melon

A new-to-me fruit that I had to try!
A Lemondrop Melon! It's about the size of a softball.
It tastes like a Honey Dew except
with a distinct lemon twist.
And I love that light green color. :)


  1. Elizabeth ~ it was grown there! :)

  2. interesting...have never heard of like honey dew

  3. Is the fruit have the same texture as a honey dew? It's very pretty!!

  4. Rebecca ~ yes! Its exactly the same texture as a honey dew.

  5. Love all melon except for watermelon. Sounds yum!

  6. So, does that mean that "When life hands you Lemondrop Melons, make Lemondrop Melonade?"

    Even your new header looks lemony!

  7. Really? Must have been in Socal -- will keep my eyes open at our markets on the Central Coast.

  8. With the rest of the crew
    Never heard of this one shouted by you
    Of course that didn't matter to me
    As food causes me no glee..haha
    Be fun to use as a softball though
    Swing and splat they'd go..haha

  9. Interesting! I have never seen one of these before.

  10. Pat ~

    yes, I can see you using them for something more than eating
    a slingshot or catapult would give them some beating
    You could guard bush #3
    with such glee
    just shoot intruders with melons
    up to the heavens.

  11. New one to me too! Wonder if the drink business will make "Lemondropmelonade" . . . sound revolting! LOL

  12. A catapult be fun to
    Great idea by you

  13. never heard of or seen it..sounds and looks delicious!!

  14. Well I know I will have to look for this.. I love honeydew and I love lemons. I think it would be so good to add to a green salad.

  15. Pat ~
    I feel a post coming
    about lemondrop melons
    not sweet like mine
    but bomb-droppingly sublime

  16. Wanda ~ they would be great in a salad! yum!

  17. Eddie ~ it doesn't sound revolting! lol....A fruit smoothie would be great...or maybe you don't call them that over there?

  18. Yeah you gave me an idea
    I added it to my list to give a cheer
    So it will pop up sometime
    In the usual way, rhyme

  19. You Mid-Westerns are always coming up with great things.
    With a review like yours,I hope they send some this way.

  20. We had these last summer and they were pretty good. I knew it was grown out here but I am trying to remember what it said on the info about it. I guess I am doing good to remember that I had some, and sometimes suffering from CRS really screws with my memory.

    Plus I am thinking that we bought it at our Costco, but then again it might have been at the regular grocery store. One of our larger Ralph's Grocery stores carries a larger variety of produce than some of the other ones. But then again we have lots of Mexican Grocery chains that have produce, of which I have no clue what to do with it, let alone what the heck it is.

    Hubby wanted me to cook some Asian noodles he bought and I needed to use Bok Choy. He bought some and I had to look up on the internet to see what parts were edible and what it even was. It took a while but I found a video on I found out it is like a cross between cabbage and celery. One thing I did not learn in the video is that you do not need to add salt because it is salty.

    Maybe I need to take pictures sometime and see what one does with these strange things.

    I make such a good Mexican. Can't speak Spanish, and can only make basic Mexican dishes, but since that was my dad's side, what can I say. And sadly I can only make one Filipino dish. Yup, my mom didn't learn about her heritage either. We seem to just cook like most people cook in the US, or as my oldest calls it, Cowboy Food.

    I am still looking for a good, easy Scone recipe. Anyone know of one?

    God bless.

  21. Don't think we have these in Australia - not that I've seen anyway.I will have to investigate further.

    Ticklebear suggested I drop by for a visit. He thought I might like your blog.

    I have four men in my family (one has now left home and has recently produced a junior 'man' for our clan)
    I like the look and feel of your blog and with one almost 17 year old in my house, I can't begin to imagine how you cope with 3 of them

  22. Mmmmm, that looks and SOUNDS scrumptious!

  23. Sounds nice and it's fun to try new things!!

  24. Fi ~ well wasn't that nice of Ticklebear! I'm glad you stopped by and said hello! :)

  25. It looks a bit like the fruity equivalent of those wonderful sherbet lemon sweets we used to get as kids. Did you have them over in the States?

  26. Alan ~ I don't think I've ever heard of your childhood sweet. Sounds wonderful, though!

  27. I've never heard of this one. I'll be looking for it though.

  28. PS: Love the new header picture!

  29. good morning - i have never heard of this - looks delish! i like the new photo at the top of your blog- cool truck! xo

  30. I never heard of this, but seeing your picture makes me want to try it. You introduce your readers to the most interesting things!

    Based on your sidebar, it sounds like you are experiencing some frustrations. Here are some virtual positive vibes, and hopes that your fortunes soon change.

  31. I am hoping my local grocery has these. How enticing.

  32. never seen that one...and it looks so good !!!!

    and yes betsy, those wrapper things work great...and no melted caramel to sandblast out of the pot !


    kary and teddy

  33. Yuji ~ thanks so much...I'll take all the virtual positive vibes you send! :)

  34. I get the feeling lemonade has morphed into melonade this week for you. Hang in there.. and as they say round here, don't let the ... (expletives) get you down! Sending love and hugs.

  35. Did you grow this in your garden? Sounds refreshing. We are growing Tuscan melons in the garden this year but not having much luck yet...they remain small. Maybe they need more heat...and that they are getting now... for sure.
    Hope you're keeping cool and enjoying your summertime with your men.

  36. Looks delicious! I'll take a smoothy, please : )

  37. Hey reading your sidebar about today....just a thought...but could Spencer be cutting wisdom teeth?? I thought maybe brushing was painful. I only mention it, because we had the same situation here with my guy.
    Hope your lemonade day was more sweet than sour!! :)

  38. I've never heard of it. How interesting. The truck in your header is the same color of the melon...wouldn't you love to see a truck load of them piled in the back of it?

  39. Julie ~ that's a thought! I'll have to see if I can get close enough to look! thanks! :)

  40. Stevie ~ yes, that would be a nice addition to that truck! I've missed you!

  41. I've not seen those!! Sounds delicous!!

  42. Never heard of that, Sounds yummy. And the name sounds like it should be the name for some bog, doesn't it?! :)

  43. whoa! never heard of it! and i have been all over! going to keep my eyes peeled now... think we could make it into a cocktail? ha :-D thanks for posting, as always i love your blog :)

  44. Meg ~ it's name does sound like a drink, doesn't it? Yum.


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