Friday, July 22, 2011

Christmas In July

Cedarville, Ohio 7-20-11
The sky was beautiful Wednesday evening and I couldn't help
but see Santa and his sleigh in this cloud!
A right jolly old elf with pointy nose and silver beard!
This is a Sky Watch Friday post!
click HERE to see more entries!


  1. That sleigh is pretty sleek and contemporary, don't you think? Looks fast like a race car! the curl at the front.

  2. Yes, he is ~ hope is is coming here to give me a pressie LOL

    Nice to see you at my place having a laugh at those strange characters I used to work for LOL

  3. LOL...I see him too! Great shot!!

  4. Eddie ~ I needed a laugh and you certainly didn't disappoint. :) Well, you never disappoint, come to think of it!

  5. I see it! That is so neat! Thank you for allowing me to read your blog. It really is an uplift for me during the day.

  6. Damn I see it too
    What am I to do
    Seeing the same things as you
    This can't be true
    Oh dear
    Yikes I said that word, better end this cheer

  7. Pat ~ said 'oh dear'?
    You're turning into me!
    Yes, I think I can see
    why that would be a scary thing to be.

    And Santa was going east
    sorry he missed your nest
    or bush I should say
    hope that doesn't cause dismay!

  8. thats amazing,, you're right!!(I don't mean its amazing you're right) you know what I mean,, its very very cool!

  9. If he was going east wouldn't that make him head towards me
    As the east coast is where you find bush #3
    Are you confused on your geography
    Or is it just

  10. Yes, you're right as east you are
    I did know that, although quite far.
    No, I'm not one of those gamers you know
    that ask if you're by alaska, oh no!

    well, in that case I hope you've prepared a list
    as I'm sure he wants to give each wish!

    Cash, I'm guessing is what you'd want
    Better than a doughnut. ha.

  11. Now that's so perfect. I even see a puff of smoke from his pipe.

    Love your sky!!!! And I think it's time I start putting little gifts away for Christmas!!!

  12.! thanks for clarifying that! haha.

  13. Yes if you said I was by Alaska I'd send you a map
    With circles so you could get out of that trap..haha

    hmmm you know the cat well
    As the list would be small I must tell
    Take his big red bag
    Ditch the toys and other stuff from maytag
    Fill it was cash and hand it to me
    Then I'll be filled with such glee

  14. i see it for sure...getting a head start? lol...

  15. Pat ~
    Cash in a bag
    with your name on the tag
    The best gift is money
    and that's no joke, honey!

    So green is all you see
    at bush number three!
    And that is no act
    it's a Face It Fact!

  16. Now that you mention it...I totally see Santa and his sleigh too. :-)

  17. Throwing the facts in too
    On tonight are you
    Yes money as a gift works great
    Especailly if you can earn a high interest rate..haha

  18. I suppose you don't want change in a piggy bank
    just big numbered bills to fill a tank?

  19. You've got Santa and we,(Pacific Northwest), have the winter weather.


  20. Omy my gosh! Great catch. He must be practicing his route.

  21. Christine ~ so THAT's where he came from! haha.

  22. The sky spreads its beauty all around. Yes, I love those pink, orange, and yellow skies--always a treat. Always love your "what I did today" posts. We definitely need to find beauty and joy in our day to day life. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  23. Big orange skies are my very favorite! Thanks for sharing with everyone.

  24. Yep the bigger the better I say
    Just tell him no funny money OK

  25. Pat ~
    He's long gone! Better write that on your roof
    so when he lands he can take a look!

    Or carve it into a topiary
    beside your porta potty

  26. He got rid of his hat
    Because it looked awful in comparision to the one worn by the cat

    I suppose I could stick a big flag pole
    In the bush ummm hole
    Think he'd see that
    I'm such a clever cat

  27. Very nice and I see Santa too! Hopefully he is loading lots of toys and goodies for us all!

  28. Mildred ~ hey, thanks for stopping by! Yes, loaded with goodies. I'm wondering where the reindeer are, though! ha.

  29. Betsy - I adore how you express your love of nature...very cool to see that picture in the sky! I just know you're determined to find smiles wherever you are...and I love that about you. XO

  30. Nice find...Santa and his sleigh.
    Joyce M

  31. As soon as I read "pointy nose", I spotted him! Yes, I believe. :)

  32. I have looked and looked but can't see anything. Have you been having a seasonal sip of the cooking sherry Betsy?

  33. Yes! I see him too!! Now I feel so much cooler! Ha!

  34. Santa in July ... What a wonderful shot. But I truly hope we will have some summer before it's Christmas again. :-)

  35. now if santa would shower us with some of that weather we complain about about when its christmastime!

  36. Kim ~ that is SO true! A little frigid wind would be a good thing today!

  37. I can see him too. Great photo.

  38. I agree looks like a sleigh and Santa. An early Christmas present if fine!


  39. So right and the sled is burning beneath him from flying so fast. Great shot!!!

  40. It is SANTA in his sled! Nice capture, fellow Ohioian!

  41. Yes, definitely - could you hear those jingle bells?

  42. Just cathing up on the past few day this morning and I love the sleigh! Needed it to go along with my Christmas stockings! LOL! The twins are too cute. And, all the zuccini looked wonderful! blessings ~ Tanna

  43. man, who's your dealer??? you've been smoking some fine one...
    not my thing, but, you know...

  44. What a beautiful picture. Like the incredible sunsets we have here. :)


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