Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vegetable Garden

click to enlarge
" Weather means more when you have a garden.
There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking
how it is soaking in around your green beans!"
Marcelene Cox


  1. I am a lazy girl because I have not planted any veggies. I will consider it a victory if I plant the herb seeds I have.

  2. well, just think of all the hours of work you saved yourself! ha.
    Plant the seeds...I have a big pot of herbs sprouting from seed!

  3. I planted a limited variety this year. My snow peas strangled the lettuce and spinach which have now bolted. Didn't get much in the way of greens. I have tomato and pepper plants too, chiles and bell. I am looking forward to a big fat fried pepper sandwich one day in the hopefully not too distant future.

  4. Very nice photos, doll.

    (Wonder if these will prompt any controversial comments, haha?)

  5. And when the zucchinis come, tell me what to do with ALL of them. Love the garden. :)

  6. Shaping up to be a wonderful garden!

  7. Looking GREAT! My garden (after the hail) is a MESS! Ugly and not doin' so well! I think I have lost my inspiration this year. :(

  8. It looks like you'll have a great harvest this year. I had to pull up my zucchini plant; the fruits would get to be about six inches long, then rot overnight.

  9. Oh fresh salad, with all the crunchies...growing right in your garden.

    I'm so impressed Betsy. We don't have a lot of space, but we did grow tomatoes last year.

    I grew up with a Dad that had a huge garden, a row of everything you can think of and also a row of berries and grapes.

  10. happygirl ~ the trick is to pick them when they are only about 5 inches long. But they grow 2 feet overnight, so if they hide, then they are huge! ha. I only have one plant, which is usually more than enough.

  11. Jill K ~ Ugh! I had not planted my garded when that hail hit. But I had bought flowers which were completely torn up. They are just now beginning to recover!

  12. Wanda ~ it's a small garden, really...2 tomato and pepper plants, one of the others and then a bed of lettuce. I have a few more things to pop up and hope to feed Nugget from the garden until the frost comes.

  13. Your garden is flourishing so well, Betsy! I got as late start so I hope that mine will still do well.

  14. Yum more food for the bunny
    Saving you some money
    Can't be people food
    All the green stuff is just rude
    Not a one I would eat
    Not even for a treat
    Not on a boat
    Not with a goat
    Not you know the rest
    I wouldn't want to go on too long and be a bigger
    Looks like you have the green thumb though
    Until the kitties decide to give the garden a go
    Then it might look yum
    But they may leave you some..haha
    Oh and in my comments below
    You're even getting praise now, some people, I know...LOL

  15. Pat ~ we've been really fortunate to have rain almost daily. Hope yours comes along and gives you some good stuff! :)

  16. Pat ~

    Too much green
    for your scene!
    Yes, I knew
    you'd say that, too!

    And I saw your bloggers love me
    which just made me laugh tee-hee.


  17. Your garden looks great and full of promise. I've been too lazy to plant a garden but I have a tomato plant that is over three years old and is still producing fruit, a stawberry plant that is the same, and another tomato plant from last year. I did buy an orange tree, still in it's pot, and it has 4 oranges growing on it. The two avocado trees barely survived our three nights of frost but are making a comeback. Maybe next year I will get an avocado or two. I just never have any luck with cucumbers, the wasps seem to suck the life out of them. I guess I should plant something but it has been so hot. I hate the hot weather.

    Yup, I wish I had planted a beautiful garden likes yours. Oh well, maybe someday.

    God bless.

  18. Great photos, but I giggled thinking you were down on your knees taking the pictures! How lovely for you. We drive to a local farmer's market about 5 miles away and stay stocked up all summer. I admire those who plant gardens.

  19. I hope some will blush !


  20. My tomatoes look like your carrots. Hmmmm.

  21. Beautiful garden photos!! There's something so theraputic about scratching in a garden.

  22. Good Greens but the carrots,well, Nugget might have to wait awhile.

  23. Christine ~ I know...the carrots are SLOW to sprout!! I didn't think they were going to make a showing at all! They seem to be the slowest growing anyway. Those may be ready in November! ha.

  24. Beautiful plants, Betsy. and, that quote is so true!! blessings ~ tanna

  25. Mrs U ~ I don't know...I'd be thrilled with what you have. None of that would happen here in Ohio! ha. Oranges? How wonderful!

  26. those are exactly my sentiments when I hear those sprinkles we have been having about every other day..and being lazy..I haven't had to water daily!

  27. Nice shots of your produce. Ours is coming along as well.

  28. Farmchick ~ mine probably seems very low to the ground compared to your hay bale garden! :) You know, you won't get a cramp in your back this summer! ha.

  29. lucky you! I would love to grow my own veggies. we have so many deer where i live, they eat EVERYTHING! yummy stuff you've got going there.

  30. Beautiful Betsy. I let the kiddos grow the veggies but we grow the herbs right outside out back door.
    Still get a kick out of your new header. You are amazing.

  31. Pierre ~ me, too! When they turn red, I'll have to take another picture!

  32. I really fancy a lovely salad now!

  33. I pulled nut grass out of the flower bed this evening....that's the best I can do...try to keep the weeds at bay. Good luck with your veggie patch!

  34. Gardening does make us more aware and anxious about the weather!
    I love growing things. Your garden is lovely.

  35. Hello, Betsy! I've been catching up. I am really hoping to start a vegetable garden this fall (planting season in Florida), so I was enjoying yours. I am blogging again, I missed everyone too much to stay away!


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