Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Tiger Sandwich

Tiger, surrounded by Mustache and Whiskers
"Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendship."
- Cicero


  1. smiles. a great shot...and friends are what makes this journey worth walking...

  2. isn't that the truth? and I'm glad to call you my friend..or twin...or something. :) ha.

  3. Twin, friend, bah it's all the same
    Especially with the rhyming game
    He does look rather squished in the middle
    But doesn't seem to be playing a fiddle
    As he likes his friends I'd say
    So funny the spots you catch them in each day
    Even if you think they'd never fit
    They do so and look back at you like "Yeah I knew I could twit."

  4. Pat ~

    yes, they certainly have been entertaining me
    and they can be as silly as can be
    the mom is the only one that looks like she could call me 'twit'
    as she's so wild she could have a fit.
    Now see, you have me talking like you
    what a pain
    I could pop a vein...


  5. This is just darling, Betsy! I love your new header, too!


  6. Whew! I read the title, and thought you'd decided to eat one of the kittens!

  7. lana ~ 5? You, too? ha. I'm not sure I can part with any of these. Well, we'll see when they are bigger. Right now I think they would be terribly lonely without each other.

  8. Silver...only Alex would do that...bones and all. lol....

  9. Such a cozy way to take a nap!! Looks comfy as can be. :)

  10. haha...I was thinking that would make me a little claustrophobic!

  11. That is so sweet! That quote is perfect.

  12. Kittens are so neat when they all get in a cat pile. I like the face of the gray tiger.

  13. This reminds me of three boys who have the same sleeping pattern.
    Sound fimiliar?

  14. Christine ~ yes~! In fact, Silver Fox emailed me the same comment! I did almost include a link to those old posts of the 'sleeping positions' because I thought of it, too! haha. The other day, The Mister, looking out at the kittens said, "How can they sleep like that?" And I said, "well, our boys do!" haha

  15. Hi! Betsy,
    Thanks, for sharing,
    The photograph Of the kittens, the quote by Cicero, and your new header too!
    deedee ;-D

  16. Beautiful image and sentiments.;) Have a lovely Wednesday Betsy.;))

  17. sweet, sweet photo, Betsy!! And, great quote! blessings ~ tanna

  18. They seem to be feeling very 'at home' on your porch. So sweet.

  19. Oh Betsy I am enjoying your kitties so much since I don't have any in the house any longer. They are so sweet.
    By the way, your header portrait of you in the snazzy car has definitely captured you and your essence. I trust you drew it?

  20. I think it's a cute sandwich. I think the more kittens one can find on the internet, the better. Thanks for populating. Sorry, just not a cat person. :)

  21. Betsy, sorry to be obtuse. Populating, as in populating the internet with more pics of kittens. I think I recently saw a commercial for, oh who knows what it was for, speaking of the internet being LOADED with pics of cats and kittens. Sorry for the poor attempt at humor. I should know I'm playing out of my league in the wordsmith ball field. :)

  22. So sweet! I am enjoying all the kitty updates and find the stories both funny and adorable!! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  23. Christie ~ thanks, dear :) I need to come visit your blog and see how the puppy is doing!

  24. What a wonderful picture and quote. We all need a paw or hand to hold onto while making our way through life.

  25. I always love how cats lay all cuddled sweet! ;D

  26. They look so cozy and sweet. It is a good feeling to have those we care about close to keep us feeling safe and happy. The kitties look so soft and fluffy : )

  27. SUPER cute! Those kittens have been playing on Mom's porch..they are darling!

  28. Didn't get a chance to comment much in Vegas.

    Home now, and checking out my friends.

    Adorable, adorable..I want to hold them.

  29. Lovely cats Betsy !
    Have a great week-end..


  30. too cute!!
    i would take the whole lot...
    but since i already have two, my hands are full, when they're not tied up...


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