Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sure Signs of Summer

  1. An anklet has replaced my ankle socks.
  2. I saw the first firefly of the year.
  3. Freckles have appeared across my nose.
  4. My coffee gets poured over ice by noon.
  5. Sunscreen and Off sit by the back door instead of rock salt and a shovel.
  6. There is less laundry since T's & shorts take less room than jeans & sweatshirts.
  7. Comfort food has been replaced by salads and grilling.
  8. Chores have been doubled, adding the outside ones to the inside ones.
  9. Bing cherries are in the fruit bowl instead of apples.
  10. A bowl of ice cream has replaced the after-dinner cup of tea.

I made the anklet from a $1 package of Chinese porcelain friendship beads. I alternated them with antique brass spacers on a silk cord and finished it with a clasp.

Happy Summer!


  1. Sounds to me like a bunch of good reason to move to where it's warmer..I am ready! Love the cute new bling you made! ;D

  2. oo i love fireflies....nice anklet...and i am so mourning the loss of my sandals...been looking for a new pair for months...

  3. it was over 100 here today...ugh

  4. Brian ~ you gotta have sandals! Are you looking online?

    Over 100? ugh is right...we were forecasted for 100 but only hit 97. I personally want a month or two of spring weather...low humidity and mid 70's! ha.

  5. Still not all that hot here yet
    But when it comes I will fret
    For just being in my hole
    The heat takes a toll
    And I have to shower five times a day
    Only with cold water making me miss May
    Anyway fireflies are fun
    And yes shorts beat jeans and crap by a ton
    But at least in my hole I have no extra chores
    So I can still rest on my shores

  6. Wow I love your anklet. It is hot here and feels like mid summer instead of late spring. I go out only very early in the a.m. these days. Hope things get more balmy here.

  7. Pat ~ you don't have to keep that um, interesting topiary bush trimmed up so as not to loose it's shape? lol....

  8. haha nope it just grows right into place
    And stops once the back part is right in ones face

  9. Pat ~ oh well now, isn't that convenient! And self grooming mooning bush! lol....

  10. Are you going to offer anklets like that for sale, along with your other jewelry? It sounds like a good profit item. :)

  11. Silver ~ I hadn't thought of that, but maybe I should! :) Do you want one in black? ha.

  12. Uhhh... Thanks, but no. I'm not really the anklet type. Well, not to wear them, that is. I have bought a few as gifts.

  13. YAY for fireflies...i was wondering when I would see my first one...they must be migrating east!
    and i agree the chores have doubled! heee!!! that made me laugh!

  14. Please send summer my way...I had the furnace on this morning...gah!

  15. Love your anklet, Betsy!

    It's freezing here! Enjoy summer!

  16. I love Chinese beads!
    Where did you get them?
    I also LOVE your blog!!!!:)

  17. Love your anklet....precious!!!

  18. alaine ~ stay warm! Winter is coming there! Brrrr. If it gets any hotter here, I'm coming to visit you! :)

  19. Kirsten ~ I got them at 2000 Crafts but I bet they are at any typical craft store in the bead section.

  20. Your talents just ooze out of you!

    As far a Summer? I did what jojo did, today. My heater was on most of the day. I'd be happy with parcel sun and no rain.

  21. Christine ~ you and jojo are both in the same state! But you know, that was us last week! I froze in the mornings! Now it's the opposite!

  22. Still sleeping under down out here ... perfect weather ~ finally. Love your sandals and can't believe how pretty your feet are ~ Really!

  23. Thanks, Helen! :) Hey, are you getting your outside bed ready? Loved that post you did!

  24. I've been working on a flip flop tan line myself :) Love that anklet.

  25. Farmchick! lol...I did that planting my garden! Now I'm trying to even it all out!

  26. Oh my, I love the way you start your summer.

    Your sandals are so cute, along with your pretty feet and toesnails.

    Yet, another talent with your stunning ankle bracelet.

    I don't know what's happening in CA, but I had to wear my boots and trouser socks today...

    I ready for hot days, a new pedicure, and maybe a new ankle bracelet....are you selling any??

  27. Wanda ~ Silver Fox said the same thing. I suppose I could make and sell! You'd have to wait until it was warm enough to take your trouser socks off, though! lol....

  28. Cute ankle bracelet and even more special is the fact that you made it!

  29. HaHa...yes the trouser socks must go first....I would truly be interested if you decide to make a few to sell.

  30. Yep, wearing my flip flops now, and eating a lot more ice cream.

  31. Very good signs,
    Happy days are comming...
    Enjoy Betsy !
    Regards from France,


  32. Put Your Best Foot Forward Into Summer!

  33. Love the anklet!! I am still trying to acclimate!! Went from winter to summer in a few weeks time!! Ack!!
    And the smoke and haze is awful!!
    So my back door is closed and a dust mask sits by it. Sigh!!

  34. It's HOT here. I love the anklet. I have an idea. Buy some sea glass on eBay and make some anklets and bracelets with sea glass. Nothing says Summer like sea glass. I guess I didn't think you had enough to do. I'm not talented enough to do it, so...

  35. slommler ~ oh, that's right! You're rear those awful wildfires! Ugh!

  36. I was looking for fireflies the other night! Your feet look relaxed and happy! Yipeeee!

  37. happygirl ~ I have some seaglass! It's really neat..and yes if certainly says summer!

  38. Wanda ~ ok! Next time I'm at the craft store I'll pick up some more beads. :)

  39. Cool anklet. Fireflies already? Summer seems to be flying by. Glad to see you found some time to put your feet up.

  40. Karena ~ I only saw that one firefly! They aren't here lighting up the backyard yet, but it's a start!

  41. I love your list and sense of humor! I miss fireflies! Gorgeous anklet.

  42. Hi! Betsy...
    Your anklet bracelet is beautiful and your top 10 reasons is proof enough for me that Summer is right around corner.
    Thanks, for sharing!
    deedee ;-D

  43. Life at its best.
    I love the ankle bracelet.

  44. I love the anklet! Nice list of reasons. lightening bugs we have had for awhile now but am so ready for the cicadas to be gone!

  45. Hi Betsy, missed you on Creative Tuesday! Welcome to summer.

  46. Hm, I haven't had my sandals on once yet! It's cold here - the central heating came on automatically this morning. I think we had our 'summer' in April. PS What pretty feet you have, madame.

  47. Les laundry has GOT TO BE the best thing about summer for you, right? LOL. Love your anklet too. Looks so, not that I;d ever wear one but you know what I mean. hee.

  48. You know, I have NEVER seen a firefly? Well, except in movies that is, but then they are usually just animated.


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