Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nexcare Waterproof Bandages

I don't usually do commercials here but I have to tell you that these are THE best bandaids ever. Actually, I should say bandages. Saying bandaids would be a Proprietary Eponym, right? But I digress. Anyway, these are really, really waterproof and stay put until you want to take them off.

I've had seven of these on my body for the last week and they have not moved! Not doing dishes, bathing boys, showering, gardening, nothing makes them even a bit loose!

Why do I have seven bandages on? Well, because of these little guys! Except that the mosquitoes this year are not so little! They look like humming birds buzzing around our yard! Well, maybe not that big, but a month of rain certainly gave them the perfect conditions to grow and multiply. I'm not sure if you can be allergic to their bites, but mine swell and turn huge even if I don't scratch. It's best just to put anti-itch cream on and cover them up. Although I do confess to scratching around the bandages like a kid would!


  1. The mosquitoes have been horrible around here too.
    I've never tried those bandages - they sound great!

  2. ugh. the skeeters and gnats have been nasty this year...i may need more than 7...and they are great we use them with the boys...

  3. Hi! Betsy...
    Thanks, for the heads-up...I have use never used the product called "Nexcare" before.
    deedee :-)

  4. Oh I don't like them at all and the ones here do not buzz either so you don't hear them.

  5. Very entertaining! And informative. And Nexcare owes you a free case!

    By the way, on your sidebar it says you're cooking omelettes. Not Hangtown Fry omelettes, are they?

  6. You working for the home shopping channel now
    And they really really really stay that's just wow..LOL
    Hate those stupid bugs
    I squash them with everything from papers to mugs
    They bite me they get a whack
    And will never again go on the attack
    Of course that just brings ten more
    To take the blood sucking tour

  7. Silver ~ no, not Hangtown Fry..just Betsy's omelettes. ha. Ham and Cheese to be exact.

  8. Pat ~ Most pictures of mosquitoes had their bodies gorged with blood and turning red. I tried to spare you all from the goriness, aren't I the best?

  9. *sigh* Now I want a Hangtown Fry omelette... :(

  10. Silver ~ Well, whip yourself up one over there...have any oysters? What else do they have in them?

  11. No oysters left. I ate them all before my last date. They also include bacon, and (of course) eggs. The fridge is empty right now of everything but various beverages and condiments, actually.

  12. I just wrote about hummingbirds so it is amusing that you mention them here. I am like you, mosquito bites turn horrific on me. And I agree about the bandages. I use those as well. At home and at school.

  13. These do sound pretty great. My daughter likes to think of band-aids as more of a decorative item...

  14. Nasty little creatures arent they??? Along with fleas!! I will have to try out the band-aids:)

  15. These are sister has eczema and uses them because she is allergic to latex...another good to use them.

  16. With all the rain...I think the mosquitoes went CRAZY and grew to monstrous sizes!!! Could be a very rough summer for being out doors!

  17. I love Nexcare bandages!! They are the best (if you have to have a bandage!). hope you are mosquito-bite free soon!! blessings ~ tanna

  18. We haven't had too many mosquitoes here...probably because it was 52 this morning. )-:
    I'm going to try hands are always wet and dirty in the fields...thanks!

  19. I agree, those bandages are the best!! I was amazed!

  20. Yikes! I worry about mosquito bites as there have been outbreaks of West Nile Fever in NYC.

  21. Pat ~ oh, yeah...that's bad! I usually just worry about the itching but it can be so much worse!

  22. Just LOOKING at that mosquitoe, I'm ITCHING! Snakes or spiders,but no misquitoes!! uck!

  23. Oh I feel for you, I attract mosquitoes like no one I know.;) If I am in a room, they all sting me.;)
    Got to look out for those bandaids, or bandages.;))

  24. your blog is amazing!
    i hate mosquitos; they sting me!!!
    please share your vision at my site:
    Models From The Earth

  25. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  26. You need to move rain since January...means no mosquitoes!! None at all!!

  27. I hate mosquitoes, we don't have hardly any here thank goodness! What you do for them sounds like a good plan! :D

  28. I'm a scratcher, too. Darn it. I really didn't want anyone to know this. I wish I could use your remedy, but, alas, I'm allergic to adhesive, too. So, a welt with a welt-ring around it. Lovely. I'm glad they work for you.

  29. I don't get any other banadges for Son's scrapes! They are definitely the best! And I totally agree that the bugs are bigger and more hungry this year. Take care to avoid them as much as possible!

  30. happygirl ~ sounds like you better just buy lots of Off. :)

  31. Who volunteered to sit still while you took the photo of the nasty little critter? Brave soul.

  32. Thankfully.....we don't have mosquitoes where I live.....truly thankful! We moved from the capitol of mosquito land and I don't miss them one bit....
    That's a great ad for the Nexcare!

  33. Betsy,
    I would like to buy the necklace you made blue with the old shoe. It is official, I am the new MH teacher at CHS! So excited and looking forward to the coming year!

  34. Linda ~ well, that's good news on both fronts...but especially about the teaching! How wonderful! :)

    I'll try to see you Sunday with necklace in tow....

  35. Betsy... I'm so behind on your blog but am trying to get caught up, life has been so full lately! It seems you've met our state's "bird" -- yep, an ongoing Deep South joke because our big mosquitoes are ruthless.

    I'm making a note to remember these bandages. Every mother of boys should have some on hand, I'm thinking.

  36. I love these band-aids too! I use them on the kids I nanny, they are especially nice because a two-year-old is virtually incapable of pulling them off! ;oD One of the kids has an issue with picking at her owies, so I usually stick on of these guys on there and it heals up pretty nicely. :o)

  37. Nice nuckles, decent bandages too I might add. :)


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