Monday, June 13, 2011

I Spy

Can you find Mrs. Goldfinch? She's in her sheik camo outfit to keep her safe.
Mr. Goldfinch is much easier to spot with his brightly colored summer coat and beret.
Can't believe this couple found this thistle sock I hung on the Red Bud tree
but they did! Thanks for the idea, Nanny! :)


  1. Does that mean there's another thistle sock and a pair of thistle shoes somewhere? :)

  2. Um, no. It means Deetle Deetle Dumpling was here. :)

  3. Lovely pictures Betsy. Amazing how God colors the Mr. & Mrs. huh? so that she's more protected. I laughed out loud when I read through your "Because we live with Autism" in your sidebar. You are such a great mama to allow such goings on...and you roll your eyes and keep on going. Blessings on you this week Dearie! XO

  4. ha, what a cool color she blends right in!

  5. Thanks, Marsha! :) I made it through the first week! 11 more to go! ha.

  6. Amazing photos!!! I love them!!!

  7. Ahhh I think I'm getting how you know I'm here
    But I made you wait a moment or two before my cheer
    Yes at first glance you might not see
    The birdie in the tree
    Nice pics of more at your zoo
    Should try to get a big group shot, although that be hard to

  8. Oh you deleted my hi because I was slow
    What didn't want people to know
    That you were a little off
    Did I make you
    Caught you this time
    It does take a minute or two to rhyme..haha

  9. Pat ~ I just KNEW you were waiting after seeing my comment hello
    So you didn't say a word to let me know
    that you were here
    but I could see you waiting there
    with a smirk
    and a jerk
    of that tail

  10. The pictures are just stunning, Betsy.

    I never get the techinal name for things right. I called the sock my finch feeder, but now I will correctly call it a thistle sock. My goodness they eat a lot..the seeds really dissapear as the whole neighborhood of finches are coming over now.

    Thanks for saying Hi to Joyce.

  11. A great pic and glad to see you are so understanding about the tv room!

  12. I need one of those outside my mother's window. I've seen some pretty little bird out, but ow that I think about it I'm pretty sure it was a yellow warbler.

  13. Martha ~ I don't think we have warblers! I'll have to look them up!

  14. Oh I love the birdies. They are so colorful and bright and lift the spirit.

  15. Wow! She does blend in!! And he is so is she for that matter.
    A thistle sock? Never heard of this. Must try it out!!

  16. Gold finches are such a happy bird. They make me happy when I watch them. Thanks for this.

  17. I love those type of feeders. Sometimes mine is covered with six or more birds. Beautiful goldfinches!

  18. Ah, such beautiful yellow birds to start the week off with! I've been enjoying the smiling faces of your boys and the kittens! Your home is a safe haven.

  19. Rebecca ~ I hope more come to this feeder! I suppose the word will spread! I'm amazed they can find it. Makes you wonder if they don't smell the seed!

  20. Hi! Betsy...
    Your [new] header, Mrs.Goldfinch, and the photograph [greenery] surrounding Mrs.Goldfinch, is just beautiful.
    Thanks, for Sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  21. Ok, I am going to have to try that. I had them at the feeder next to the house all winter but in the summer they just disappear. Maybe having it in a tree is more natural for them.

  22. L.D. ~ good luck with that. Hope they come back. They do love their thistle! And don't you love their little voices? They have the sweetest call of all the birds I think.

  23. Well, msut admit, my birds around here look distinctly dull in comparison to the burst of colour there in your backyard. :)


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