Sunday, May 22, 2011

Postcard Swap #4

Did you know I was a twin? Well, almost any way. :)
Brian Miller and I have been blog buddies for a few years
now. We've had a few laughs at all the things we have in
common from foods we love, things we done, places
we've worked and opinions we hold. We'd be rich if we
had a dollar for every time we've emailed a "You, too??"
Well, maybe not rich, but you know what I mean. :)
Too bad I'm not a poet like him, though! If you don't
already, go read WaystationOne for some
thought provoking, always entertaining writing.
Brian and I have done the postcard swapping thing!
And I need to thank Alan for getting us all started.
He has a wonderful blog, too, so check it out.
If you didn't already know, Brian and his colleagues at
OneStopPoetry recently won The Shorty Awards at NYC. His
postcard is from his trip there. Love Time Square! I've only
been there once, way back in 1983 when some college friends
and I flew in for a 4 day, very fun trip.

You can click on the card

to make it larger if you need to.

I sketched a picture on my postcard to Brian.
I used the photo below as my inspiration
Go check it out HERE! It's worth a laugh or two. :)

Thanks, Brian! This was fun!


  1. Its a lovely idea isn't it. Exchanging postcards in this virtual world. It's nice to actually get something you can pin on a board.

  2. Nothing says "Virginia" like a postcard of New York! Ha, ha! Way to go, Brian!

  3. smiles...mine feels so lame in comparison to the one you drew me...smiles. which everyone can see if they drop over...oh and betsy has the poetic skillz in her acrostics, just wish i had her art skillz...smiles.

  4. ah fox, i can see you have been to VA then...

  5. Brian ~ I've seen your art skills. You're not fooling me for a sec. lol...

  6. Oh that looks like fun. How wonderful to get a postcard from NY. I was in times square once many years ago too. I just saw your recipe from the previous. Gonna go make some now,

  7. I like how he calls your Postcard Swap, "Twitter for Gentlefolks".

    Both of you are great artists!

  8. I must say glad you don't cut hair as a career
    For what you'd put in there when one wasn't looking I'd fear...LOL
    You and your twin played the game too
    Alan is really spreading these postcard thing up the gazoo
    Or should I say loo
    Or bugger this or that to you
    Never been to New York at all
    Postcard made the building look rather ummmm tall
    Fun exchange to read from the twins
    Looks like everyone wins

  9. I am so intrigued with the postcard art you created ~~~ lucky to have a faux twin as neat as Brian!

  10. A twin...I can see the resemblance : ) This is a very fun idea. I'm going over to check out Waystation.

  11. Helen ~ beautiful new profile picture! Yes, he's a fun faux twin. lol

  12. Pat ~ you know if you came for a visit to NYC, we would all travel to meet you...just to shake your hand! lol...oh, you'd just LOVE that, wouldn't you! hahaha

  13. I didn't know about The Shorty Awards - that's fantastic and just told Brian so. When I read Brian's work I feel I should give up pretending to be be able to write!

    I love the postcards and I love even too that true friendships are formed when people have so much in common. Nice to have a twin!

  14. Just wash your hands

  15. I love the connections we make on blogs.

  16. Yes, I saw your picture on his blog. so funny and wonderful too.

    Both of your blogs are meaty delights.

  17. Love Sf's comment too. Too funny. Ha. I was thinking the same in fact.

  18. Yep, gotta love twitter for gentle folk. I love both your writings. Or, I should say, I admire both of your writing. And nice hawk...

  19. hey betsy - came by brian and just wanted to tell you that i love your drawing - really cool and nice to meet you

  20. I'm your newest follower!I love your blog,,


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