Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Jabbering birds flock
as porch swings rock.
Unassuming fireflies prance
as june bugs dance.
Now that spring is done
and summer has begun,
Evening stays
as daylight plays.


  1. summer nights...lightnin bugs and playing all evening...or just rockin on that porch swing you know...

  2. I agree...seems that June represents a slower pace and it isn't as hot as late in the summer...still know. :)

  3. Interesting photo. Looks like a shot of some kind of spaceship or undersea vessel in an olllld movie!

  4. Ummmm, is that sweet little bird house hanging in YOUR yard?? When it turns up missing...I have NO CLUE what happened to it!

  5. Jill ~ why yes, its in the dogwood by the front door. :) No fair sending kids over to steal! ha.

  6. I can't believe tomorrow is June! Where is the time going?!

  7. in this family, June is birthday month - my brother, Nina, John, Jimmy, Baby E and Amanda,

    Both grandbabies will be here tomorrow and they will be getting your new favorite pancake recipe, theirs will be tiny bite size ones.
    It was too hot here to eat much supper so I am really looking forward to pancakes in the cooler morning too.

  8. Rhonda ~ wow, that's a lot of birthdays! And did you see I froze those leftover pancakes? We had them Sunday. Brunch was never so easy! :) Hope you like the recipe!

  9. Yes I was looking forward to summer but it is already in the 90s here. I hate to think about July and Aug. Maybe it will mellow out. The landscape is sure lush though. Our lawn worker is way behind and you can tell it. LOL can hardly see the birds in the yard the grass is so high.

  10. QMM ~ it is the same way here..unseasonably hot and very wet, lush and green! ha.

  11. OK, Betsy, a chef, an artist and a poet...choosing not to have a complex here...:)! You, dear friend are an inspiration! I'm with Jill. That birdfeeder is lovely!

    Happy June!

  12. Aww, Amy!! You're too sweet. But rememeber, I don't have a preschooler hanging on my leg! haha.

  13. Love this. I need to scrub my porch swing and sit and drink wine and watch the birds and fire flies.

  14. I like the last verse, Evening stays as daylight plays.
    Oh so true! And I ditto the sentiments of "happygirl"!

  15. Christine ~ yes, I think happygirl has the right idea! :)

  16. Yes things get more slow
    Yet it starts to get hot in my hole don't you know
    But it is enjoyable none the less
    Until the heat wave comes with its mess
    But anything beats the snow
    Plus it's warm so less socks you need to fold and wash as you can go out with a bare

  17. Pat ~ well, look at you being all cheery and lemonadish. :) You're right...less laundry! Less socks is particularly wonderful as I hate matching them. ha.

  18. Hooray! One of my favourite months has arrived. Glad you're enjoying the moment too, Betsy.

  19. I <3 JUNE!
    Yes, porches and lightening bugs...this could be one of my favorite months...

  20. My eldest daughter, who is 55 today, got us a birdhouse something like this except it is for Christmas and was meant to be used but we got it setting on top of a flat surface somewhere.

    We have been roasting in May. June offers more of the same where we live. Something is out of whack...

    These are the hotdogs you saw on the grill. We think they are the best in the world. lol

  21. Thanks for the link, Abe. Now I'm hungry for a hotdog and it's early in the morning! ha.

  22. Your acrostic is perfect! It sums up the time of year beautifully. What a sweet little birdhouse too.

  23. Pierre ~ you're waiting for birds...I'll send some to France...I have plenty! :)

  24. What a lovely picture. It just says June so well.

    We are heading home tomorrow. Tahoe has been wonderful, but there is no place like home.

  25. Very cute poem, love it! But we haven't even had spring yet...wait for us! ;D

  26. Julie ~ we haven't either! We had cold and rain and then too hot and humid! We need to back up and redo spring now! :)

  27. so far the start of june is sooooo much better than the end of may!

    sweet days ahead. and how i love these lonnnnng days!

    happy june betsy!

  28. lovely photo and wonderful acrostic, Betsy. :) The crown remains, I see.


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