Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It's a well known fact that it rains when I go to the grocery.
It doesn't matter which day of the week I choose or even
if the forecast calls for rain! Today terrible thunderstorms
were forecasted for the morning and we woke up to the
electricity flickering and the thunder rolling.
But the weatherman said it was going to be dry from
noon to five o'clock, so I went out in the afternoon.
And I got soaked.
In fact, it didn't stop raining! And not just rain but
rain slamming so hard it was deafening in my Jeep.

Lightening so bright I was a little scared to be out in it! And look at that field. There isn't suppose to be a lake there! I finally had to put my camera down because visibility was so bad and I kept coming up on water covering the road! I hear the worse is yet to come around 2am tonight. At least we haven't had tornadoes like the south! Big hugs to you all down there! I work an auction Wednesday. It's on-site at a farm. Wanna bet it's going to be wet, muddy and cold?

Yep, I'm thinking that, too.

I'm predicting a bad hair day right now. lol.


  1. I got groceries this afternoon too. And when I got done shopping, it was pouring out! It wasn't as bad as you had it, but I got pretty wet!

  2. Brrrr... cold, wet days are only fun if you get to stay inside curled up with a hot drink and a good book! blessings ~ tanna

  3. Tanna ~ I totally agree! And I wouldn't have gone out if the weatherman hadn't assured me it was going to be dry. ha. I bet weathermen never win the lottery. lol...

  4. We have those storms rolling into our area at about 1am. Not looking forward to 80 mph winds that are being predicted.

  5. May they have mis predicted and no middle of the night rumbles!

  6. Farmchick ~ I'm going to have to hold on to a tractor tomorrow to stay on the ground! lol....

  7. Poor you! Maybe you should keep a raincoat (for you) and a big tarp (to cover your grocery cart) in the trunk of your car.

  8. oooh, rain rain go away....enjoy the auction! xo ( i like your easter header ,too!)

  9. Be sure to bring your handy, dandy camera. I want to see your bad hair day!

  10. That does look like quite a downpour. We have it going on, too.


  11. Christine ~ not a chance! haha...although I'm having one right now after being out in it today! lol...

  12. ugh we got pounded this the 80s tomorrow...whew...might ask to borrow some rain...

  13. Brian ~ borrow? ha...we do have extra...Can't believe this is missing you!

  14. We got rain here today, two. But I like it. I actually like it more when it's heavy rain!

  15. Ha! I meant "two," obviously. What was I thinking?!?

  16. Isn't the weather horrible...we had sleet almost all day...I wish a had a lamb cookie to make the day brighter!

  17. Anita ~ maybe I should have made lion cookies! lol...

  18. We had rain too
    I guess it's all over like the flu
    But ours was no where near as bad as that
    But one thing has to be asked by the cat
    Is it safe to drive and take pictures at the same time
    You might hit a poor mime
    Doesn't sound like the auction is going to be much fun
    Especially if the storm isn't done
    Maybe you'll get a call on the phone
    Telling you to postpone
    Going out there
    Giving you bad

  19. "Lightening so bright I was a little scared to be out in it! And look at that field. There isn't suppose to be a lake there!"

    Hi! Betsy...
    What great descriptions (and photographs) Of your adventure in a...Thunderstorm!

    Thanks, for sharing!
    [Postscript:You and your five men Try to stay dry!]
    DeeDee ;-D

  20. Oh, those weather men...can't they get it right!

    Your poor purse, and jeep..what a downpour.

    I must agree with Tanna...curled up with tea and a book is the best place for those kinds of storms.

    Good luck at your Auction!!!

  21. A storm's great from the inside looking out but never in a car! Hope it fines up for the auction!

  22. Yep, quite wet. Do picture-taking and texting while driving run the same risk????? Uh-hem. Hope the auction stays dry.

  23. I am so amazed you can take pics AND drive. Wow. A lot of rain. I don't think I would go out in that, but I don't have 5 men to feed.

  24. We had awful rain a couple of days ago...all day and several gray days in a the sun in shining (so far) and it is supposed to be in the upper 80's :-)

  25. We must have gotten your thunderstorm last night and this morning, but so I far I have happened to miss them. (I love to sleep during thunder storms...)

    And that "lake" that isn't supposed to be there? That's like my backyard only it doesn't want to go away.

  26. I'm just amazed at the amount of water everywhere. I drive through Waynesville on my way to & from work & just north of there I was actually concerned about whether the water was going to cover the road!

    My Magpie/OneShot combo poem for this week is about the rain. Sigh.

  27. I hate driving in those's really scary!
    Can't wait for more auction pictures!!

  28. Martha ~ we have a little pond in our back yard. :) The birds seem to enjoy it! Maybe you should buy a canoe? ha.

  29. Bug ~ I drove through Jamestown today and hit a few roads that were still flooded this afternoon! Crazy!

  30. yup-it rolled through Indiana last night, shook the house all night...made driving on the windy highway a little difficult in the evening...these April showers are really something this year, eh?

  31. Betsy, do you have one for sale?

  32. Martha ~ no, but if I had one I've have to keep it. Might need it to get to the grocery! lol....

  33. My dad sold off his farm in the middle of January, why I never will know but cold and snow and what a bad day.

  34. I don't think we had as much as you got but we did get two inches.

  35. well I saw the muddy shoes later here but where the pic of your bad hair? LOL. that is sooo wet. Whoa.


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