Friday, April 22, 2011

The Grape Turns Into A Raisin

Remember Grape Face, the grape with the naturally made
face that I saw looking at me in a cluster of grapes I brought
home from the grocery? Well, here he is 2 weeks later.
He's been sitting on the window sill at the kitchen sink
watching over my jewelry I lay up there when I do dishes.
He's looking rather raisin-ish, don't you think?

Remember these guys? Maybe Grape Face has big dreams!


  1. Scary thought, if those guys come back! (Or are they back? I don't watch TV.)

  2. Hey, you're first! :)

    No, they aren't back. Not that I've seen.

  3. Grape face is looking a bit haggard!

  4. Yes, I do believe that he has raisin-ized. :-)

  5. He's been turned to a raisin
    Oh how brazin
    He looks worse have metamorphazied after a few weeks
    A butterfly looks better with more than a few new tweaks
    Oh how do you know it's a he
    maybe it's a she
    I think I had a toy of one of those raisin's way back when
    Well before I was even ten
    Heard all the songs too
    As all of them I knew

  6. if he starts singing you may make a mint...

  7. Pat ~ I think you're right. They had those California Raisin toys like Mr. Potato Head. It would probably be worth something today, if you could find it and The Factinary doesn't work out. lol.

    Just kidding, of course. And anyone who read this should go check out the Factinary! It could make you AND Pat rich. :)

  8. Brian ~ ha. Laugh OUT loud at that one. Pat may come and try to steal him if that happens!

  9. hahahaha the toy probably be worth what?
    A dime or two to some collector nut
    I think I know where it is
    But getting at it wouldn't be an easy biz
    I think Nugget might eat him first
    Before I could get there to steal him quenching my greed thirst
    Thanks for the little shout
    As you already joined so you know what it's all about

  10. I heard it on the Grapevine....! You little grape has aged...Do you have some anti-wrinkle cream. HaHa

  11. I kind of like his face. He looks like he'd be a grouchy old man if he could talk though.

  12. The only way I'll eat raisins now-a-days is in minced-meat pie :P

    And ( surprised SF didn't think of this one ); "Prune Face" from the Dick Tracy comics? Tho' he can't sing so well ;)

  13. Now you've gotten me humming the raisin song....

  14. It IS a raisin!

    I just loved that song when it was re-made by "The Raisins" in the eighties!
    It will be in my head ALL day!

    Happy Easter!

  15. Cute post! Love your perspectives Betsy!

  16. He aged.....didn't he?
    I loved the CA Raisins...they were so cute.

    Happy Easter to you and your Five Men!

  17. Wanda ~ may be a little too late for that!

  18. Subby ~ yeah, why didn't Silver think of that?

  19. Pruneface? A cute reference, but maybe somewhat off-topic for this blog's regulars. Heh.

  20. And it's a grape, not a plum. :)
    So Prune Face can't sing, huh.

  21. Apparently not. Not in the comic strip, anyway! :)

  22. Everytime I see/hear anything pertaining to the California Raisins, it brings to mind a memory of when my older daughter was the assistant teacher in the kindergarten Sunday School class at our church -about 20-21 years ago now and that particular class consisted of 4 little boys -a set of twins and 2 other youngsters. One of the boys had quite a way with words, shall we say, and when asked at Thanksgiving time about things they were thankful for, his response was the California Raisins of "I heard it by the grapevine" fame in that old commercial. I can't remember now what it was exactly about them and that commercial he was thankful for but it's an image in my minds eye that always pops up whenever raisins are mentioned. Strange the way we remember and associate some things, isn't it?

  23. My kids loved the California raisin guys. I think I dressed my daughter as one for Halloween on year.
    That's one shriveled raisin you've got there. How long are going to keep it?

  24. How long? hmm...I don't know. He's so cute and I'm still enjoying him. But I'm not a hoarder, so he'll be dispossed of eventually. ha. Maybe a bird will get to have him for dessert.

  25. Betsy~ I think I like Marvin Gaye's rendition better :)


    And I ken 'bout Prune Face. And like SF I dinna watch telly no mair.

  26. haha..yes, I agree. The song was better before the raisins got ahold of it! :)

  27. Hi! Betsy...
    What an interesting post...Unfortunately, I missed the original post, but what a difference two weeks makes...Betsy, Happy Easter! and Happy Earth Day! to you, your five men (and especially, Nugget, I hope Nugget, is featured in your banner on Easter) and your readers, too!
    DeeDee ;-D

  28. Not only Marvin's, but Aretha's version beat the California Raisins' take on it, and so did CCR's...

  29. I just hope that lil' grape doesn't get his dreams too squashed. :)

  30. Hi Betsy,
    Good to see your blog,
    Beautiful pics with lot of information. Thanks, will come again to check in, pl do inform,
    best regards

  31. I'm just catching up on reading. This cracks me up. I love all your funny food faces.


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