Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Grape Face

I was pulling grapes off of a big cluster from the grocery
and this one little grape happened to be looking back at me!
I didn't do anything to make the face.
It just naturally grew that way!
I couldn't bear to eat him. He reminded me of
Wilson from the movie Castaway! LOL! Yes, I've seen faces in food before.
Like HERE and HERE and HERE.
When I was pregnant with the triplets I was on bed rest
so long that I started seeing faces in the bedspread!
It's a strange talent, I guess. :)


  1. I do that too! I see faces in everything LOL I still have that kids imagination I guess :D He is a cutie, looks like a Zorro grape! LOL

  2. Zorro? Oh, that's priceless! ha.

  3. Ha! My first thought was that he looked like a superhero!

    (I see faces everywhere... I'm so glad I'm not the only one!)


  4. That's a great face! I see faces in things too. I'll have to start taking pictures of them.

  5. I wouldn't be able to eat it or throw it first. Eventually the silliness of my actions would get to me. (-:
    I have a face in the tile in my bathroom. It smiles at me every morning. Even before I've had my coffee!

  6. Anita ~ yes, I think Mr. Grape will sit on the window sill and look at me a few days. I'll let him die a natural death. lol.

    A bathroom tile? Glad I'm not the only one....

  7. Betsy - you sure have a keen perspective. I love your picture of "Wilson" are just too fun and funny! Love this!

  8. He doesn't look all that friendly to me. The real Zorro would be nicer. :)

  9. He looks kind of pissed off or at least ticked
    Maybe he got kicked
    By the other grapes
    Or picked on by some hairy apes
    But yes you can see the face in that grape act
    And that is a lets Face it Fact
    hahahaha had to do that
    In my little rhyme chat
    Oh and don't think I didn't notice your picture change
    When you came over to my rhyming comment range
    You can't trick the cat
    Not even Pat

  10. What a face! And you always have such elegant hands, Betsy.

  11. Cat ~
    Can't get anything past you, can I?
    not photos or grapes with eyes!
    I won't even try to lie
    'cause the truth with you I can't deny!
    You notice everything with fervent
    And are so very observant!

  12. Yes, I could see "Wilson" in that grape. I got attached to Wilson watching that movie...hated it when he lost him at sea.

    You do have beautiful hands.

  13. Kim ~ are you talking to the grape? lol...

  14. Forgot who Wilson was, so I looked him up...yup, it's Wilson, all right.
    Finding faces is so much fun! It's one of my past times.

  15. Yes I catch it all
    Even when you try to hide it behind a wall
    Oh and I forgot to touch on the Wilson plug
    That made me all warm and snug
    A movie reference from you
    Movies and rhyme oh what am I to do

  16. totally see the face...could not eat him either...i would be thinking about his feelings the whole time...

  17. Looks like all the fruits are happy. :)

    Ha, that grape has a cute face, though.

  18. It looks like he has a busted bottom lip. But he's not going to "wine" about it, otherwise he knows where he is heading.

  19. I see the masked eyes, too.
    Remember the movie title "Eating Gilbert Grape"? : )

  20. I see pictures in lots of things - clouds, vinyl flooring, etc. Love your grape, just like a little boy!

  21. Alan ~ no whining! only wine! ha.

  22. LadyCat ~ no! I'll have to look that one up!

  23. That is so cool. Sometimes you can see all sorts of things in the produce department. One time I picked up a eggplant that had a nose, totally looked like a person. :-)

  24. art2cee2 ~ I would have had to buy the eggplant just to blog about it! ha.

  25. Ummmm, DO see faces in some bizarre things! So, you are NOT going to eat it? WHAT will you do with it? Just let it pucker up and be a raisin?


  26. Wilson, hah! A good likeness. I was just thinking about you and your face finding ways the other day as I washed my fresh strawberries.

  27. I was in a football crowd recently & I saw several blokes who looked just like that! In fact, now i come to think about it, there was a bunch of them...............

  28. How interesting! Clouds are my favorite to find faces and forms! :)

  29. tony ~ a bunch? You're so cute...

  30. How cute, Wilson!
    I was thinking as reading about the banana face!!

  31. nanny ~ yes, that banana was George Washington! lol....

  32. Tee hee, I wouldn't have seen that but you're right! The tree opposite my house has an eerie eye in the trunk that watches though...

  33. Too cool!!!! I have faces all through my tile floor. I think they are ghosts though looking up at me.

  34. LD ~ several people said they saw faces in their tiles. I need to look at the floors more closely! ha.

  35. No, Betsy, I'm talking to are truly so cute. I see stuff like that too so I feel connected!

  36. Kim ~ haha...well, it's good to know that I'm not the only one! :)


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