Monday, April 4, 2011

1000th Post!

EveryOne remembers their first.

First follower,

first commeNt,

first post.

How do you do that with complete strangErs?

And you're Told about all of the dangers.

But better than family I've Had before,

Strangers becOme friends. Some even more.

As tears, hUrts, comforts and caring,

Laughter, jokeS, and amusement we're sharing.

Vacations, graduations, births And deaths

Prayers and sympathies, our thoughts we coNfess

Acrostics, poems anD sketches galore

You'd think we'd had our fill buT we come back for more!

Let's make lemonade from tHe lemons became the motto

As we continue to share our lives and our photos.


  1. Thanks, dear friend for blogging with me! How fun! xo

  2. Congratulations dearest, I have so enjoyed your posts throughout the year.
    Wow, that's a LOT of typing/talking/thinking/ thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Oh Betsy you absolute star!! Warmest congrats on this awesome milestone. Your gorgeous blogging voice is a truly fabulous must to my days, thank you for everything you share with us.
    Millie x

  4. I don't think I know anyone who has pour more of herself into writing their blog. 1000 posts, I cannot even imagine that. I am almost up to 300 with Living Boldly and Poetry Matters ... my hat is off to you dear Betsy! Brava Bella Donna.

  5. Helen, it took me over three years posting about 5 times a week. Still, it's a lot of posts! lol.

  6. Wow. That's a lot of posts. At the rate I'm going, it will be 1000 years before I reach that many. But yes, I do remember my first post and first follower.

    What a creative way of sharing your milestone post. Nice.

  7. wow, congratulations! It may take me another ten years to reach that goal..;j

  8. Congrats, Betsy! Those posts add up quickly, don't they?!

  9. Congratulations...and I love it all too..I even am starting to love other peoples grand children too! ;D

  10. Fantastic; congratulations! I love this 1000th! It's always a delight to come in here at the start of the day! (((Hugs)))

  11. Congratulations on your 1000th post!! :D I've been following you for a little while via another private blog, but have begun a newer, public one and am now happily reading your blog through it. :) I just wanted to say that I strongly admire you for your bright spirit and sense of humor, and think you are setting a great example to so many women! Your husband and boys must feel so blessed to have you in their lives, I know I would!


    ~Just a Girl

  12. Fantastic! Congratulations, Betsy, on maintaining a blog of such a high standard. It's a pleasure to visit.

  13. Betsy, check out my Monday blog. I took some pictures of some "little birdies" outside my kitchen window and they reminded me of the little birds on your blog header. And congratulations on your 1000th post. That is quite an accomplishment and you have so many followers.
    Barbie Jo

  14. Happy 1000th to you. That is a ton of posts and maybe someday I will get there.

    I think that is a lot of posts we were very lucky to read or comment on. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your life with us. We are blessed, and we know your family is truly blessed.

    Congrats again.

    God bless.

  15. Many congratulations dear Betsy - beautiful post with sentiments all of us can relate to.;))
    And here is to several 1000 more.;)

  16. Congratulations - I so enjoy reading your posts. They're always interesting and you usually make me laugh. With current family pressures, blogging is therapeutic for me - what's more uplifting than spending an hour with friends? And you're one of the best. Thanks. xx

  17. Betsy, what can I say. You sum it all up so well. Only a Blogger would know those feelings, it is a very strange, and a very special, thing we all share. Congratulations, here's to many thousand more.

  18. Congratulations on 1000! That's a lot of writing. :)
    Thanks for sharing your life here - I always enjoy my visits!

  19. Congratulations on the accomplishment of 1000 posts!! Betsy, your poem says it so well. I don't think any of us could have imagined how blogging would become such a wonderful part of our lives. I am glad you have become a regular part of mine. Blessings ~ Tanna

  20. Betsy,congrats on your 1000th post! I truly enjoy your blog. Everything about it. Love your saying!

  21. Damn your one thousandth post
    Now that deserves a boast
    Or maybe ten
    As you talk about everything from road signs to your Five Men
    I like how you work the post title into your rhymes
    I may have to steal that one of these times
    Haha you used Stranger Danger
    Could you be stealing from your favorite rhyme exchanger
    Or have I just got you so rhyme efficient
    That you can rhyme so proficient
    I know big words
    You're used to me saying turds
    Heck if I can do 100 rhyme posts at my place
    That would be enough for my space
    But 1000 is tons
    And you didn't use reruns
    Congrats on that
    From the cat and Pat
    damn that was long
    But I'm not wrong

  22. Congratulations. Here's to 1,000 more.

  23. wow betsy that is are def a bright spot in the blogosphere and i am so glad to have met you...

  24. Congratulations, Betsy! I've so enjoyed reading your blog over the last your humor, decorating, cooking, honesty and most of all how you show us daily how you love your 5 men. Looking forward to continued are a bright spot in the blog world!

  25. Congratulations on a job well done!

  26. Congratulations on your 1000th, Betsy!!!

  27. SQUUUUEEEEEEAALLL!!! I'm thrilled for you - that's a ton (almost!) of thinking...typing...sharing your heart. Keep doing what you're doing - it's fabulous, and I'm soo tickled God crossed our paths here in blogland. Best Wishes - enjoy that coffee and hope you get a cat nap today. =)

  28. How excellent!! I adore your blog and admire the composure you exhibit, even though your life is much more hectic than most. Blog on!!!

  29. Just a girl ~ hey, thanks so much for reading and commenting. It's always nice to meet the readers and get to visit them, too!

  30. Roy ~ thank you. I consider that a real compliment coming from you. xo

  31. Pat and Cat ~

    I did use Stranger Danger!
    You're really quite the word arranger!

    And you even used some big words?
    I laughed out loud when that occurred.
    Your rhymes can knock off my socks
    and you can stand on your soap box.

    I wonder if I didn't rhyme if it would cause you to throw a fit?
    Now settle down, I didn't really mean it!


    thanks for the congrats.
    You look so cute in your striped hat.

  32. Wow, congratulations! 1,000 posts, that's some going! Here's to the next 1,000.

  33. Oh now your using socks
    I just put some locks
    On my rhymes
    But I use them so many times
    That they get engrained in your mind
    And you use them so kind
    Oh and if you didn't rhyme a fit it wouldn't cause
    But don't expect any applause..haha

  34. Congratulations!
    I want to help celebrate this mile post.
    I admire your dedication and love for words and communication.
    You share your life with us and we are so blessed because of this.
    Sometimes bloggers get tired and quit but I can always count on you to be there, just like a true friend!
    I raise my glass (of orange juice) to you and here's to 10,000 more!

  35. Pat ~ No applause?
    That's like Christmas without Santa Claus!
    The rhyming is what makes it fun
    So I'll finish what you've begun

    I'm glad you wouldn't have a fit
    At work that wouldn't do one bit.
    You might get fired
    and not rehired!

    And forced to knit gloittens to sell
    So you can keep living well!

  36. Christine ~ CLINK...I toast my coffee mug to your juice glass.
    Thank you sweet friend! xo

  37. YOU Betsy, and special people like you is why I continue blogging, even when I feel like hanging it up from time to time.

    I have been loved, and been inspired, and grown as a person knowing you.

    Congratulations on 1000 posts and to a new friendship I treasure.

    Love and Hugs

  38. Geez Christine wants you to do 10,000 more
    Do you think you have that in store

    Gloittens might be a hard act
    I'll stick with the you know fact
    Then I'll cause such a scene
    Without being mean
    That they'll fire my rhyming behind
    And I'll no longer have to go to the work grind
    Would that be nice
    Then I could comment more than twice
    Oh wait I did that
    hmmm blame it on Pat

  39. What a wonderful 100th post - Congratulations!!!

    I so enjoy all that you have to share and I'm so glad I've 'met' you :)

    Cheers to 1000 more!


  40. whoops - It should say 1000th (thats a lot of zeros! ha!

  41. And I love how you fit in the acrostic in a new way! Congratulations, friend!

  42. Congratulations on your 1000th post!!!

  43. Oh Betsy....1000 heartfelt, warm, funny, informative, sad, great posts! You were one of the first I ever read. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading each and every one! You are truly my friend and I look forward to your words daily.

  44. Wow, I started wading through the comments and congratulations, and decided to skip most of 'em.

    My own feelings? You and I connected less than two years ago, but have formed a special, tight bond between wisecracking comments, references to each other on our own blogs, and of course, in our private emails.

    You know how I feel about you, but I wanted to say publicly that you're one of the most -- if not the most -- inspirational people I've ever met, and anyone who knows you half as well as I've grown to know you (without ever having met you in person) should genuinely love you... as I do.

  45. Silver ~ aw, now that was really sweet. Thank you. You're one of my favorite cheerleaders. xo

  46. Hi Betsy, CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting. In addition, you captured what blogging is all about so perfectly.

    I appreciate you.

    Kathy M.

  47. Oh Silver made me almost cry
    What a swell guy
    hahaha did you believe that
    Yeah I didn't even fool Pat

  48. Well done luv! ;) I find meself starting all over...again. Don't you worry, I'll catch up....sometime in 2346C.E.~LOL!

    BIG HUGS :)

  49. Subby ~ you probably hit a thousand a long time just keep starting over! lol. xo

  50. Betsy, you may be close on that...nah. Even with 8 past blogs, I wasna e'en close to a M. More like DCCL... :P

  51. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Love your blog!

  52. Betsy, I've two now...tho' I don't post much on' to load vids at th' moment....

  53. Happy 1000th Post Betsy! It's been such a pleasure. Wishing you all the best.
    Thank you for your friendship.


  54. Alan's comment is so true. congratulations Betsy on a remarkable feat! you are a Queen of blogging indeed. And how you do it all, i have no idea but you most certainly do.

    Hey, i'm happy to see Ct even get a mention. A big thanks for being such a loyal contributor there too. :)

  55. Congratulations. There is a lot of growth and nurture in such a focused pursuit.

  56. Congrats on your 1000th post! :-)

  57. Wow it must take forever just reading your very cool! Congrats!!! I too remember my first unknown person to follow me...not so much my first post....and I've really just begun myself, last year! I so enjoy your posts, your humor, your words from the heart and the photos you've posted! Take care! happy next 1000 posts to come!

  58. WONDERFUL!!! 1000! AMAZING!
    You do it with class and style like you do everything sweet Betsy!

  59. Congratulations-that's a lot of post!!! And everyone I have looked at has been great. Mickie

  60. That's amazing. Congratulations :)

  61. Happy 1000th! I'm settling in for 1000 more!

  62. Congratulations!

    I only have published 279 and have been blogging for 3 years. Wow.

  63. Congratulations Betsy!!!! Such a milestone in bloggyland and I'm so glad we're friends! Have a blessed day!


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
And no awards, please! Your comments are my awards!