Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hairy Dairy Makes Me Wary

Quirky post title especially for my new
blog friend Pat the Rhyming Cat. :)
It takes a lot of food to feed five men. ;) I shop once a week and
alternate between Sam's Club and a Kroger/Wal-mart trip. Today I was
at Kroger and picked up my usual five 2 lb containers of Yoplait
Strawberry Yogurt. The man that delivers the dairy products
to the grocery was there stocking the shelves.
Our conversation went like this,
"Hey, you think you have enough yogurt in your cart?" I usually don't get teased about the amount of food I'm buying until I get to the cashier, who usually asks if I'm hosting a large party.
I smiled and answered, "Well, yes, this is my boys' favorite."
"You know," he said with an irritated look on his face, "if you're going to take that much you should call in a special order!"
"Really?", I asked in disbelief.
"Yes! How would you like it if someone came before you and cleaned out the shelf?" he said sternly.
"I didn't take it all. There is still plenty of strawberry left." I said defensively.
"Well, I'm serious about the special order. Are you going to come back later this week?" he asked.
"No, this is all I need. I won't be back for 2 weeks."
"OK. Well, good!" he added.
"I am shopping for a family of six!", I said, as I started to move along the isle.
Wow! I've never heard of such a thing! I guess he didn't notice the
10 lbs of strawberries, 6 lbs of grapes, 4 bunches of kale,
6 bunches of bananas and 17 cans of Pringles in my cart!
But then, those aren't his areas to keep stocked! LOL!
On the bright side, I bumped into my friend jillybean
and her daughter at the seafood counter. :)
And did you know that crab cakes are 10/$10 this week?


  1. My goodness. What business is it of his to be concerned about your selections. Those products are there to be sold. Whether it's by you or anyone else, the store makes their money when they're sold. Period.

    Pay him no mind.

  2. My gosh! Must have upset him that you wrecked his 'display'??!!or what...That really is weird...wonder if Kroger knows about this..maybe they should..What a jerk...sure he didn't wink...? just trying to see a good side...uh..

  3. Well I've never heard of a store worried about a shopper buying too'd think they'd be happy. I'd be taking my business elsewhere. Glad you had a good sense of humor about it...I'm not sure I could have kept my cool!

  4. funny thing...I just bought that big box of yogurt...I want to try making a yogurt pie with it in a graham crust. Just pour the yogurt in a handmade graham crust..should be delicious.

  5. OH MY!!! Isn't the point of him stocking the shelves to have people buy the stuff?? I guess he gets paid the same if you buy a lot or not, though, so he would rather have his shelves full;-)

  6. Kim ~ no wink! And your pie sounds really yummy!

  7. Next time I'll just run over him with my cart. hee. Silver, that was for you.

  8. My local Aldi has a sign up in the bread department that large purchases have to be ordered in advance....but they consider "large" more than 20 packages!

    (Maybe the man was just having a bad day.)

  9. Well - what kind of service is that? You would think he would be happy you were a loyal customer. I have a feeling his superiors wouldn't be too happy to hear this.

  10. That is insane. Have they been concerned previously about where all the strawberry yogurt was disappearing to? (Is that bad grammar?)

  11. You should have gone back and picked up more of that yogurt...and really cleaned out that shelf!!!

  12. Well it's obvious, Betsy, he spilled his cofffee, his wife burned his toast this morning, and she ate the last strawberry yogurt. You just rubbed salt in his wound...HaHaHa

    Actually, I can't believe he treated you so!!! Don't think he'll keep his job it he continues this behavior.

  13. Farmchick ~ haha. I like the way you think!

  14. He could of been a bit more polite, don't you think?
    Life is way to short to be even a little bit mean or negitive.

    "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."

  15. Christine ~ oh, I know! For about a minute, my feelings were really hurt and then I just let it go. I have bigger, more personal hurts to deal with! lol. :)

  16. There's no excuse for that kind of customer "service." I would have reported him to the manager. With the economy being what it is, stores shouldn't risk alienating any customers, especially those who spend the amount of money you spend. He could very easily have offered the same advice, politely and without the crappy attitude. He made you sound like an inconsiderate jerk.

  17. dude what got into that guy! we are a family of 4 and we go through yogurt like it is water...

  18. He must have been having a bad day !
    Quite rude of him to drill you like that, he should be glad you are buying and keeping him in a job.
    I'd just ignore him.
    Love your bloomin Shamrock !

  19. Boy, he was kind of pushy about his yogurt wasn't he? Sort of like "you can look, but don't touch."

    Seventeen cans of Pringles....hmmm five a week for each triplet and 2 left over for Taylor?

  20. well that was rather rude...nothing like being berated in the grocery.

    p.s. I love me some crab cakes!

  21. This guy needed to be reminded quick smart that your purchases actually pay his wages - doh!!
    Millie x

  22. Well I think that's just rude. Surely you can buy what you want and as much as you want.

  23. That was a very rude comment, you should have placed a complaint. It is none of his business how much you buy, he is just lazy and should be reprimanded for harassing customers - what a strange man!

  24. Just plain rude if you ask me. I wonder would he have said that to a man? I think I'd want to complain about him to the store manager.

  25. Stevie ~ actually, the triplets get to split one can of Pringles a day. The cans just come in a box of 17 and I buy one every two weeks while I'm there. The boys wish I'd let them eat that much! lol.

  26. How rude!! He should just do his job and keep his comments to himself. Obviously he doesn't have any kids of the male variety! I always raised my kids to live by what I call "Thumper's law"...from the movie Bambi. "If you can't says something nice...don't say nuttin at all"


  27. you just never know who you will see AND what the conversation may be like..your grocery store runs are always interesting

  28. If they give you comments like that again, boycott the shop. We have an ASDA just down the road from us (Same as Walmart) just let me know what you want and I'll get it and post it over to you.

  29. Splendid, Alan. I love that idea! lol. :)

  30. I am aghast! What's it to him, anyway?! Hooray for you, so diligently keeping your men jolly well, well fed!

  31. If he's there next time, you really should run him over with your SUV -- it'll no doubt be raining, so that'll wash off all the blood -- and then you can break into his truck and take all the strawberry yogurt!

  32. Silver, I think you're getting me confused with the Irish Mafia. ;)

  33. true...and besides, there weren't any big snow piles in the parking lot!

  34. Heh. Now that ought to confuse the heck out of everyone!

  35. I'm waiting for Pat to come read this! lol.

  36. crimprof and I totally agree with Silver Fox, the man should have been reported. That said, I totally know how you felt at the time.

  37. Joy ~ maybe he was just having a bad day. If I had reported him he might have lost his job. Maybe he has lots of little mouths to feed himself. And he had no way of understanding that my autistic boys only like that one flavor and that I have three of them.

  38. Duh, it'd be fun working in a supermarket if it weren't for all the customers!... Gee... best to smile and forget it, I think. He obviously needs a training course to reprioritise his world view.

  39. I feel a bit indignant that he was giving you a hard time! YOU PAY for the stuff! OY!

  40. god bless you for feeding and caring for five men....oy!!!

  41. You have got to be kidding! Oh, my goodness. I can't believe that man would say a thing like that. I'm stunned. He should be glad someone is buying so he can have a job!

  42. How rude! He should have been happy you were helping him keep his job. I'd consider reporting him if he treats you like that again. GGGRR! I'm sure you gave him your prettiest smile...maybe, just maybe, he was having a bad day?

  43. He is right in a way, but he could have been more polite.

    I went to the SooperMarket last week to get my essential supplies only to find there was no whisky, rum or coke on the shelves. When I complained bitterly to customer services I was told that a local man who runs a pub came in earlier and bought the entire stock because it was cheaper than buying through the pub supplier!

    The SooperMarche runs on a "just in time" basis; they dont keep stock in, they order what they need every night and it's delivered at the crack of dawn.

    Guess who will be waiting at the door at 8am on shopping mornings from now on. . . .

  44. Keith ~ no doubt he was stocking up for St. Paddy's. :)

  45. Not the right attitude at all. I would shop elsewhere. At least the manager should be made aware before losing your important business.

  46. Some people are really unobservant except where it affects them. Too much trouble to restock the shelves? Rather lose the sale?

  47. Very scary dairy stocker makes me wary sounds more like it!

    I'm a little shocked at his comments and rudeness. You just never know though any more. I'd hate to know what he thought if he was responsible for the Pringles display. :)

  48. Shop on Betsy! We've got the keep the dairy farmers of America employed! ha ha

  49. I think I had interaction with that dairy man just before you did, and I feel bad because I hope I didn't upset him when I asked him where the "Heluva Good Dip" was. :) hee, hee, seriously, I said, "I feel bad asking you this, but can you tell me where the (whispering so Lauren doesn't hear me) Heluva Good Dip is?" :)

  50. By the way, thanks for the shout out! I only wish that it linked up to a really cool updated blog. :) One of these days...

  51. How very rude!! so much for the cusomter being right, eh? sorry you had to endure that. He may well be one who is against "breeders" as tehy call any parent with more than one or two kids. I hear this often in fact, sorry to say.

    I like Krab cakes --that is, the ones with the K. :)


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