Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gas Prices

My eyes were a little blurry filling up my tank.
I could have sworn the prices read this way! ha.
This one is for Silver Fox.
I'm sure he sees the prices more like this...

Can't we go back to this? The prices were better, and the pumps were cuter! Am I the only one as a kid that thought leaded gas smelled good? We'd try to breath deeply while dad pumped the gas. We were probably getting high! ha. all photos from googleimages.com


  1. I, too, would like a return to the old-style pumps, and the old-style prices. During the so-called "energy crisis" of the early 1970s, I used to complain about paying 50 cents a gallon! (And yes, doll, "WTF" says it all, indeed!)

  2. nice i loved gas smell and going out to the garage...ahh...now i wish i bottled that smell as i could probably sell it and make ssome money...we are buying camels to ride, it think...

  3. Brian ~ lol...well, of course you liked it. I should have known! Maybe that's why we like peanutbutter and pickles together...the lead ruined our tastebuds. ha.

  4. And just remember... After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says "WTF!"

  5. HaHaHa ~ I can't believe our prices here too. $3.99 at the pump today.

    Yes, lets go back when I had my old 51 Studebaker, and my girlfriends would chip in a quarter, and a dollar would keep us going for a long time.

  6. Too cute--and way too true! I don't even look at the prices because I know I'm going to get gas no matter how high it goes. My car is my "home away from home". Tell Wanda I had a Studebaker back in HS--dearly loved my little Lark.
    Thanks for the clever post. Mickie :)

  7. Yep, my eyes see those signs too. I can remember as a kid that you could actually read the numbers on the gas pump as they rotated. Now, they roll so fast that it's a blur.

  8. Hehe, this made me laugh.;)
    Indeed, the last time I filled up my car I was left in great distress - I have never seen such high numbers.;) It is the same everywhere.

  9. I suppose our prices, RSA, are on a par with USA or more because of the taxes for road repairs, etc. Disgusting! I also used to love the gas (petrol to us) smell!

  10. I'm getting a horse!

    Can you imagine driving down the road and looking up to read one of those signs?

  11. Matty ~ yeah, and the numbers rolled slow enough that you could easily round up without going over!

  12. Yep indeed WTF
    As gas prices truly do suck
    I loved when 20 bucks would fill the car
    Now that won't get you half as far
    It's disgusting indeed
    But everyone just follows the lead
    Change will never come
    Until we are able to kick the greedy gas man in the bum
    Funny pics they were
    A rhyme they did spur
    But the cat must get back to work
    But I'll be back as usual to lurk

  13. Pat ~

    How nice to see you in a lurk,
    Watching my blog while you are at work!

    But don't get caught reading with a smirk
    Or you boss might see and feel an irk!

  14. Those are great!!!!
    I loved smelling the gas when Daddy filled the tank...It must have been different back then cause I don't notice any good odor anymore, do you?

  15. nanny ~ well, we don't use leaded gas anymore!

  16. LOL! Hee hee! So true...love this...also soooo love the smell of gas...

  17. Great post Betsy, made me laugh on a dull and foggy day. And a day when petrol (gas) prices reached £1.30 a litre over here (which is probably an enormous amount of dollars per gallon)

  18. Alan ~ that would convert to $2.08 as of today. I think we would all be delighted to see gas at that price here in the states! We're hovering around $3.50 right now.

  19. I'm going to start walking. Heading for the grocery store...dinner will be ready in about a week. The prices are crazy!

  20. That is SO funny!

  21. Isn't that first one hilarious!?!?!?!? It just HURTS to pull in to the gas station to fill up the Limo! OH DEAR!

  22. LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh... if we can't laugh then we'll certainly cry.

  23. HA! I used tha' "WTF" pic in an auld post( long since deleted )...

    We do have a Mobile station that's had the "arm/leg" thing up for a few years, however ;)

    This just in....dyed kerosene at $4.35 a gallon...WTF?

  24. I'm with you! And you're right about the smell, kind of like when they passed out the sheets of paper they had just finished mimeographing that were still a little damp...remember that. I'd always sniff the whole stack as I took mine and passed it. Probably getting high on it too!

  25. Kayren ~ oh yes, I remember those copy sheets! And certain markers, too! ha.

  26. oh the smile you just game me .. worth more than a few gallons of gas!!!

  27. If it makes you feel a little better Betsy, I paid AU$1.83/litre today for Premium gas, which works out to approx. US$6.77/gallon. Spare a thought for our Kiwi friends who have always paid a ridiculous amount, their gas price is currently US$7.99/gallon - OUCH!!
    Millie x

  28. @Millie...double ouch! And we did have a few bad apples charging that much ni the U.S. ( th' last time it got out of hand, that is ). Really...how much bloody profit d'they need, wot?

  29. Oh Millie. That's absolutely awful!

  30. I never went to gas stations until I was a late teenager as we never had a car. In fac ti didn;t kn ow wanyone that had a car!! no need in the big city.

    Anyway, whebn I was in CA recently they are paying $4.45 per gallon now and I am sure it will go up for them as well as us! Whoa.

    In UK it went up to $8 a gallon.


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