Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Milestones and Memories

We had a quiet Valentine's Day dinner at home.
Me and my five men. :)
Grilled steak dinner and peanut butter cupcakes for dessert.
The Mister and I actually celebrate on the 15th of February.
That's because I gave him a Valentine on 2-15-76.
We were 13 and 14 years old.
So today was the 35th anniversary
of that first gesture that started 'us'.
We went out to lunch today to celebrate.
Cheesecake Factory.


  1. Betsy, that is a super sweet story (no pun intended). You have my husband and I beat; we were 16 and 18 when we met. The cupcake looks divine.

  2. So, why were you a day late, originally? Heh.

  3. Silver ~ one day late. I took the valentine with me to a high school basketball game on the 14th thinking he would be there and he wasn't! Had to wait until the next day at school.

  4. thanks, Cali...and I love your new profile picture!

  5. Oh, good. Glad neither one of you got stood up by the other. That wouldn't have boded well... and after all these years together, such was obviously not the case!

  6. Silver ~ no, he had no idea I was giving it to him or that I liked him in any way. Totally surprised him. lol. His best friend had just dumped me a few weeks earlier! ha.

  7. I'll bet that "best friend" is still kicking himself.

  8. I like that sweet story too. I may have to look up the date I caught my future husband in the corn field during a game of hide and go seek. I wonder if it is recorded somewhere... We were 15.

  9. So great that you guys are still together after all this time and that you have that special day.

  10. How sweet that you were high school sweethearts! Happy belated Valentine's Day! :-)

  11. What a sweet, sweet story (why the 15th instead of the 14th).
    A quiet dinner home with those you love and who love you, is the perfect way to say, "I love you".
    Especially, with a cupcake as good looking as that one!

  12. Wow, that is an awesome day to celebrate!!! Happy 35th Anniversary of your first Valentine to him!! Would you have ever thought you would still be celebrating with him 35 years later? Alan and I met when we were about 9 years old, but didn't become valentines until we were 15 and 16:-)

  13. You both were really were young when you met...and here 35 years later still in that's sweet. The cupcake looks yummy!

  14. Heather ~ the answer is no. haha. And I asked him that today. :)

    And congratulations on your long running time with Alan. 9 years old. How very sweet. :)

  15. how sweet! I can't imagine anyone from my younger years (14, 15) that I would still want to be with!! ha.. best wishes and congatulations on that first Valentine!

  16. oh wow arent you glad you gave that valentine! smiles.

  17. So it...congratulations

  18. So very romantic! How many can claim to have married their childhood sweetheart, what a special couple you are.;) Congratulations.;))

  19. Well, something MUST be wrong with this post Betsy as there is NO WAY you two young things have known each other THIRTY-FIVE years! ;) YUMMY cupcakes!

  20. happy anniversary!
    my SIL says cheesecake factory is the best place to celebrate too,

  21. Jill ~ I know,..we couldn't be THAT old! ha.

  22. how adorable! and I LOVE cheesecake factory!

  23. Really cute post. Hope you enjoyed the Cheesecake Factory! I love that place. <3

  24. 1976 was a great year - it was the year the my honey began our life together (but in july)!


  25. Betsy, my blog is largely political/social commentary but on Sunday's I post creative writing. Sunday past is very appropriate for you. Here's a link. Scroll down a bit and you will see the post I'm referencing. I believe it will lift your beautiful heart.

  26. Thank you, Cletis...I'll come over and read that today!

  27. Oh Betsy, that just melts my heart. So sweet... I love when true love lasts from Puppy to old dog.. (you are not the old dog) I am...Didn't meet my dearest until college..I was 18, he was 21 but the sparkes flew.

    Congratulations on a 35 year romance that I'm sure will go on and on and on and.....

    Love and Hugs

  28. Wanda ~ old that! haha. We can call The Mister the old dog, how's that. He'd probably agree, too! :)

    The sparks flew? I really believe that, Wanda...because you still sparkle!

  29. HaHaHa... Oh Betsy, you are such a sweetheart!

  30. What a lovely story/post. The cup cake does look lovely :-)

  31. You have us beat by a little bit too...we were 14 and 15! I think that's funny why you were a day late.

  32. I love the cheese cake factory! How wonderful that you have been together that must have been meant to be for sure! ;D

  33. Oh yummy, pretty cake. And how amazing and sweet that you've known each other since high school. How romantic. I've had little luck in the love department and it makes me glad when I hear of those who have survived and still love each other.
    Oh - PS - two more trains on my 'other' blog ;-)

  34. So romantic. I too, am a big fan of Lindt truffles, by the way. :)

  35. 35 years & the sweetest, most romantic tradition I've ever heard!!

    Love it, Betsy!! & thank you again for all your love and support yesterday!! ~ Coreen xoxoxo

  36. That cupcake looks delicious! And I love the cheesecake factory! Yum!

  37. Becca ~ Hi! Went to visit your blog but I don't think you have one! Would love to hear about your boys. :) Thanks for visiting!

  38. a very amazing love story Betsy is to many more!!

  39. what a wonderful tradition--so very sweet and adorable. Congrats to you both. I hope you are each each other's lil' cup cakes of gooey sweetness and goodness! :)

    When i was that age, there were no girls in my school plus no one di valentines or handed out such in school anyway.

    His best freind's loss, his gain. :)

  40. MOTH was 44 when I met him & still VERY much the school boy! Loved this story Betsy.
    Millie x

  41. I love hearing how your true love came to be. Super nice to hear about people who still love each other after 35 years.

  42. Happy belated Valentine Betsy! I lurve your post with you and your Man! And your treats! Lindt truffles are creamy delicious!


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